Republicans, regarding Bernie Sanders - What would Machiavelli do?

Read what you linked to. This is still the primary Rush is talking about. It also confirms that Operation Chaos was about keeping Hillary in the primaries. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, I know it was the primaries. We were discussing the GENERAL election.
To me it was a combination of factors.

3. Whether or not you like Obama, he had crowd-appeal. He could relate to the
average voter. He spun a nice story. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Such has been the way of Demagogues throughout history..
On a similar note, if Trump were running as a Democrat, he'd be pulling in numbers in the 20s still.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, I know it was the primaries. We were discussing the GENERAL election. Originally Posted by WombRaider

No, we were not. Obama and Hillary ran against each other in the primary. I even have a medal for Operation Chaos.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
To me it was a combination of factors.

1. McCain was a retread without very much charisma. Then he picks Sarah Palin as
the VP candidate. Major mistake. Usually you pick someone who will help you
win states you would not normally win.

2. The country was heading into a major recession and Bush was held accountable.

3. Whether or not you like Obama, he had crowd-appeal. He could relate to the
average voter. He spun a nice story.

So you had a rather boring Republican presidential candidate who was being held in part responsible for the downturn in the U.S. economy combined with a less-than-appealing VP candidate as a running mate vs. a relative unknown who was very charismatic and gave a promise of good times ahead. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Palin was a good candidate whether you liked her or not. She had more experience than Obama. She was more exciting than McCain. She has 1000x more sex appeal than Hillary.

Hear she is making a come back too.
Palin was a good candidate whether you liked her or not. She had more experience than Obama. She was more exciting than McCain. She has 1000x more sex appeal than Hillary.

Hear she is making a come back too. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
A good candidate?

Jesus Christ, I've heard it all now. Even republicans won't touch her with a ten-foot pole. You forgot one thing; she's dumber than a bag of fucking hammers.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
McCain was never going to win. Sarah Palin was a Hail Mary that ended up being dropped. If he'd chosen a white guy, it would have been worse. Oh, and since he's owned by the same people who own Obama, it didn't really matter.
McCain was never going to win. Sarah Palin was a Hail Mary that ended up being dropped. If he'd chosen a white guy, it would have been worse. Oh, and since he's owned by the same people who own Obama, it didn't really matter. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's exactly right.

Rogue_Gent's Avatar
I think Hillay will become a moot point. VP Joe Biden is warming up in the bullpen, waiting for President Obama to pull the rug out from under the whole Clinton machine, and throwing his support behind him.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
A real possibility. It is my understanding that there is real mistrust and harsh personal dislike between Obama and Clinton.
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  • 08-09-2015, 10:09 AM
. I even have a medal for Operation Chaos. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
McCain was never going to win. Sarah Palin was a Hail Mary that ended up being dropped. If he'd chosen a white guy, it would have been worse. Oh, and since he's owned by the same people who own Obama, it didn't really matter. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

+1 more
He has no way to fund it and the Dem party won't either. But, it would be interesting.

How about if Bernie decides to launch a 3d party run?

The liberal left must know that Hillary is a money grubbing lying sack of shift. Any Democrat with a smidgen of honor shoul do anything possible to keep her out of the White House.

A real electoral nightmare would be Trump mounting a 3d party run on the right, and Bernie a 3d party try on the left, resulting in a 25/25/25/25 split in the popular vote, with the winner becoming President with only 1/4 of the Country behind him, or her.

I think Hillay will become a moot point. VP Joe Biden is warming up in the bullpen, waiting for President Obama to pull the rug out from under the whole Clinton machine, and throwing his support behind him.

I would even bet on a brokered convention. Remember, all of this Primary crisp is out the window if a Candidate can't garner the nomination on the first ballot. Originally Posted by Jackie S
A real possibility. It is my understanding that there is real mistrust and harsh personal dislike between Obama and Clinton. Originally Posted by Rogue_Gent
Obama will support Hillary once she secures the nomination in spite of the mutual dislike.

Sanders can't win a general election. Unless The Donald is the nominee. And, that isn't going to happen either .....unless a meteorite strikes the next debate and Trump is boycotting until Aunt Flo has left Megyn's house.
McCain was never going to win. Sarah Palin was a Hail Mary that ended up being dropped. If he'd chosen a white guy, it would have been worse. Oh, and since he's owned by the same people who own Obama, it didn't really matter. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

McCain would have done better had he not thrown that pass. Palin is a twit. Ignorant of national politics, foreign policy, geography and almost everything else. Attractive? Hell, yes. Someone that ought to be one heartbeat from the presidency? Hell, no.

That said, nobody was going to beat Obama in 2008.
On a similar note, if Trump were running as a Democrat, he'd be pulling in numbers in the 20s still. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The fuck he would. If there was ever any doubt that you are an idiot, you've just erased it.