Here is something I found interesting. I saw CourtneySt.Clair a few times. For those that aren't familiar with that name, she was in real porn out in California back in the day. She is now a Houston based provider.
In one of my visits I mentioned that a certain hobbyist had PM'ed me inquiring about her skills after reading my review of her. I told her I gave him the info he requested and closed my PM with - "It is not often you get to have a PSE with a real porn star!"
She got pissed, explaining that most hobbyists equate PSE with BBFS and Greek, which she would not do. I apologized, we kissed and made up and had a great session. Afterwards I PM'ed the guy and told him that I did not mean to imply Greek or BBFS in my response to him.
Who knew that PSE means BBFS and Greek? I sure didn't.
Link to review for reference.