I have yet to hear an Hispanic voter embrace Rubio. He's got an only slightly lower "coconut" factor than KKKruz. Walker will ensure that labor votes in huge numbers, especially in the Midwest.Mr. DOTY 3 times, did you switch to the ball game because you think that taxpayers SHOULD pay for your and woomby's sex change once you two swishy walk your fag asses into a recruiting station and sign up for service TO your country, or do you think the country OWES you ? Like Bradley / Chelsea Manning ? You two can be the "Caitlyn Jenners" of the military ? Talk about "light duty" !!!
Formidable ticket?
I turned on the debate just long enough to see Huckabee ranting about taxpayers having to foot the bill for sex change operations for the military.
Switched it to the ball game. Much better outcome! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider