Anyone watching the debates on Fox News?

I have yet to hear an Hispanic voter embrace Rubio. He's got an only slightly lower "coconut" factor than KKKruz. Walker will ensure that labor votes in huge numbers, especially in the Midwest.

Formidable ticket?

I turned on the debate just long enough to see Huckabee ranting about taxpayers having to foot the bill for sex change operations for the military.

Switched it to the ball game. Much better outcome! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Mr. DOTY 3 times, did you switch to the ball game because you think that taxpayers SHOULD pay for your and woomby's sex change once you two swishy walk your fag asses into a recruiting station and sign up for service TO your country, or do you think the country OWES you ? Like Bradley / Chelsea Manning ? You two can be the "Caitlyn Jenners" of the military ? Talk about "light duty" !!!
Mr. DOTY 3 times, did you switch to the ball game because you think that taxpayers SHOULD pay for your and woomby's sex change once you two swishy walk your fag asses into a recruiting station and sign up for service TO your country, or do you think the country OWES you ? Like Bradley / Chelsea Manning ? You two can be the "Caitlyn Jenners" of the military ? Talk about "light duty" !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You know what's fucking hilarious? I know a couple of faggots that would absolutely knock your ass up one side and down the other. I'd like to see you call them swishy-walkers and then you wouldn't be able to walk period after that. Cocksucker.
LexusLover's Avatar
If I wanted to see a bunch of blowhards talk about shit they don't have the faintest clue about, I'd just come on here. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That statement "assumes" you know enough "about shit" to determine if someone else doesn't "have the faintest clue about" the "shit"!

Only a LIBERAL would "assume" such nonsense.

Of course, you don't have to worry about "anal-izing" your "woman's" "knowledge" about shit .....

...... she's waiting until AFTER SHE'S ELECTED to comment!
LexusLover's Avatar
...the whole tone of the debates. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
"debates" .... Q and A ... is closer.
That statement "assumes" you know enough "about shit" to determine if someone else doesn't "have the faintest clue about" the "shit"!

Only a LIBERAL would "assume" such nonsense.

Of course, you don't have to worry about "anal-izing" your "woman's" "knowledge" about shit .....

...... she's waiting until AFTER SHE'S ELECTED to comment! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Only you would think that was pithy. I know enough about shit(you) to determine that you don't have the faintest idea about shit(anything).
my overall take on the debate was the hard hitting nature of the questions posed to most of the participants..some of which were underhanded gotchas actually

there were very few softballs,,unlike how the liberal media tosses up arching underhand pitches to liberal candidates and their commonly held point of view me too approaches
southtown4488's Avatar
8 years ago the republican nomination process became a bad reality tv show with sarah palin. . . its become worse every time. now theres an orange orangutan with a bad hair piece leading the way for these clowns.
8 years ago the republican nomination process became a bad reality tv show with sarah palin. . . its become worse every time. now theres an orange orangutan with a bad hair piece leading the way for these clowns. Originally Posted by southtown4488
And the Democrats have nothing but a ugly old cunt who is a pathological liar.
You know what's fucking hilarious? I know a couple of faggots that would absolutely knock your ass up one side and down the other. I'd like to see you call them swishy-walkers and then you wouldn't be able to walk period after that. Cocksucker. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So they are your favorites to pack your fudge down at Talleywackers woomby ? They get rough with you and "man handle" you ? Does that do it for you, to have to brutes go after your weak lying maricon y mamlon nalgas like that puto ? If they're friends of yours , they can't be too tough !! So do you let them put some " crust " on your sheets woomby ? Do they join Big Sir in giving you your daily "ropey loads" facials and bukkake party ?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Democrats are more scared of those that speak their minds than they are of a pathological liar that is under criminal investigation.

Democrats expect their candidates to be liars and accept it as normal.
Republicans foolishly believe they are telling the truth and are genuinely shocked when they realize they were lied to.
Democrats are more scared of those that speak their minds than they are of a pathological liar that is under criminal investigation.

Democrats expect their candidates to be liars and accept it as normal.
Republicans foolishly believe they are telling the truth and are genuinely shocked when they realize they were lied to. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
you cant break standards when there are none
If I wanted to see a bunch of blowhards talk about shit they don't have the faintest clue about, I'd just come on here. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Better yet just record yourself and play it back. Ya fucking punk.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If I wanted to see a bunch of blowhards talk about shit they don't have the faintest clue about, I'd just come on here. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Nice to see that the GOP has debates....pity the poor democrats who are being pushed into voting for the Hillary

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  • 08-07-2015, 11:53 AM
Nice to see that the GOP has debates....MG] Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You call that shit last night a debate!

That was a Q&A session where the moderators tried to feel good about themselves.
southtown4488's Avatar
And the Democrats have nothing but a ugly old cunt who is a pathological liar. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The brothas love Hillarys badunkadunk, you will bow to her!!!