Those same folks are generally thought to be inclusive of those Some may be called radicals. Some may be more like Timothy McVeigh or Peter Keller than America wants to remember. Unfortunately, our society's stance on the potential for domestic terrorism reminds me a bit of a movie costarring Nick Nolte as an ex-armed forces character. Not all gun enthusiasts are gun nuts, and not many gun nuts are fanatical. Originally Posted by algrace
"our society's stance on the potential for domestic terrorism "
Total and complete Bull Shit by an emotional idiot who just doesn't know the facts of life.
Let me tell you a few things that I personally know about:
In the 70's, I personally know of 6 attack plans in the US that did not come to completion and three that actually happened. None of this was in the papers, or in the news.
I am one of many who has received weapons training from the military who went back to civilian life with no thoughts of attacking our own country. Total and complete bull shit to think that military training is a cause of an attack on our own country.
I have been taught much more than most who were in the military. This knowledge includes:
Full weapons trainingPost military experience include:
Expert Rifle and Pistol
Heavy Weapons
Biological weapons (yes we have them)
weapons researchSo what? What is the point. I don't use this stuff anymore, just like a lot of people. Just because one has the knowledge does not mean that the knowledge will be used against one's own country.
Explosive consulting
Cleanup of explosives
Production of explosives