Ferguson Erupts In Riots Again After "Unarmed" Youth Shoots at Cops

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by timpage

Aww .. is little timmy "upset"? why are you upset timmy? are you "angry"? well you should be upset you were stupid enough to vote for Prez Race-baiting Mulatto .. TWICE. how's that "hope and COMMUNISM" workin' out for ya, libtard?
I was just watching Milwaukee County Sherrif William Clarke castigating this latest Ferguson episode. He stated that the entire March and Demonstration is predicated on a Lie.

He stated that Michael Brown was nothing but a street thug engaging in felonious activity, and Polititians at the highest level have propagated the " hands up" lie for their own political gain.

By the way Sherrif Clarke is Black.
Wasn't the "hands up" lie started by the so called witnesses who stated Brown had his hands raised when he was shot?
Wasn't the "hands up" lie started by the so called witnesses who stated Brown had his hands raised when he was shot? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Witnesses who were proven wrong.

Of course, that didn't stop every poverty pimp and Demagogue all the way up to, and including, The President of The a United States jumping on the bandwagon, instead of waiting on the facts.

The entire "hands up" and "Black lives matter" movement is based on a totally fabricated lie, and propagated by those who wish to see racial tensions escalate for their own political and financial gain.
There are some sincere folks who want a better relationship between the black community and the police. It will be a hard uphill fight with the thugs coming out with the looting and gunfire. I said so called witnesses............
gfejunkie's Avatar

Yeah, well so am I.

Lock and load, people, lock and load!
  • DSK
  • 08-10-2015, 09:46 PM
If they can find a riot, they can find a job.
If they can participate in the riot, then can do the job. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Has a nice ring to it!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lock and load, GFEJerkoff! The world is waiting for a 75-year old mass shooter to emerge in the land of the free and the home of the gunshot wound.

Sounds like you're ready to step up.

JLJerk will be there with you, but he doesn't need a fire stick. He'll kick them suedes' asses with his bare fists!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Sometimes you don't get to pick the war.
The war picks you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you saying that sometimes you get to pick? How often have you gotten to pick? have you chosen wisely?

Thanks for keeping us safe and free, you one-man gang!

Lock and load, Clint!

Aww .. is little timmy "upset"? why are you upset timmy? are you "angry"? well you should be upset you were stupid enough to vote for Prez Race-baiting Mulatto .. TWICE. how's that "hope and COMMUNISM" workin' out for ya, libtard? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
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