Anyone else getting bored to death reading the ramblings of these two thread hijackers? Originally Posted by black sunshineI find that these gentleman contribute consistently meaningful content to this site.
There are others that tend to contribute ramblings— I'll post an example and you tell me what you think?
Old 11-09-2014, 11:41 PM #1
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Default Whispers and The Christmas Fundraiser
First off let me apologize to Whispers for causing problems for his fundraising efforts.
I spoke out against something that I really have no idea how it operates. I have tried to lend a hand the last 2 years, and everyone always had a good time. I was speaking falsely about allegations of fraud. I know nothing about anything to do with the fundraising, other than I contributed to the raffle that occurs. I struck out at him for personal reasons. I feel awful that I did that, but at the time I was desperate, and that was the only way I knew how to hurt him. Unfortunately I hurt others that depend on his generosity. There are a few that picked up the actions of trying to discredit it while I was gone, I hope you people will realize I struck out at him for personal reasons, and not because I had knowledge of misdeeds. I know of no such misdeeds, fraud or anything of the likes of that. Please leave these efforts alone, do not talk falsely about them as I have.
Whispers I hope this helps, because I'm sorry that I attacked something you care so much about, it was wrong.
That's "ramblings," right?