Review had my hopes up

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
The only one who had their parade rained on was the OP. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Oh, I stand corrected. What would an old broad like me do without such a thoughtful CutiePatootie, like you? Thanks again, darlin'. That's all I wanted you to do.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I dunno, Maxi, I don't think it reflects on the indies. As far as I know, I've only seen indies in my illustrious 2-1/2 year hobby career. For the most part they have been good to me, although I have hit a rough patch of late, mostly with TCB.

I will admit that I have just started to reconsider whether I need to restrict my attention to more mature women because the young 'uns are so flaky with TCB, but the OP's post about a 35-yr old makes me doubt even that.

Maybe *I'm* getting too old for this. Originally Posted by mark77070
Sorry, didn't mean to ignore ya hon.....but I was dealing with an insect issue, got distracted......not a fan of thick bugs.....ewwww

Anywho.....if ya made good decisions in the past, stick to what it is you do. It worked, hon. I hate to recommend changing anything that works in this hobby....LOL We are never too anything for intimate encounters, darlin....that was blasphemous..... LOL I tease.....

Iaintliein's Avatar
Yes, it's actually Hedy. Oops I doubled the D.

Maybe if Tootsie changed her name to Hedwig she wouldn't miss any more appts because no one would book a hooker named Hedwig.

Hedy on the other hand, has a nice ring to it.

Ya I wuddint no abot dem lerned tipes. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
You mean Hedy Lamarr the co-inventory of spread spectrum technology (the basis of wi-fi today) and one of the most beautiful ladies in Hollywood in the 40's?

Looks and brains, now that is one hell of a compliment!