I hate!

I hate LIARS!!!!
swarley69's Avatar
I hate ignorant and racist people.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I hate glitter nail polish
I hate pennies
I hate cold cold weather and snow
I hate thongs...these lips are too long for that "lil strip of cloth"
I hate twin beds for sex
I hate text when they just say "hey".....well ok but who the heck are you?
I hate hairy pussies....a lil hair is cool...but plzzzz NO jungles
I hate guys who lick in my ear!
I hate

But I luv luv luv fuckin!!!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain

You forgot frogs. As I recall, you hate those, too. (Personally, I think they're cute, in their little amphibian way.)

I hate bars who attempt to pass off cheap rotgut as aged Jameson 2 or 3 shots in. I CAN tell the difference no matter how many drinks I've had.

I hate having to listen to the bombardment of presidential election chest-thumping 16 months before a poll opens.

I hate it when I'm trying to open a can of pop and the little tab comes off immediately and I have to go look for something to pound the top in and a spray of carbonated liquid erupts in my face.

I LOVE other things erupting in my face.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol Fancy---yep I hate frogs more than ANYTHING in this world!!

quote...can of pop
Well sweet sexy friend of mine.....no offense to you cause I luv YOU,but I hate when people call it "pop"...lol...{but I luv you so you can call it what ya want}
  • BDD
  • 09-03-2015, 05:06 AM
Fancy, down here in the south that is referred to as Coke. As in ....

You want a Coke?
What kind?
I'll have a Budweiser.

Wait a minute. That's not right.
  • Noid
  • 09-03-2015, 05:59 AM
Dallas, there is labia reduction surgery to get rid of that bacon curtain.
chicagoboy's Avatar
I hate when 'versus' is misspelled in the titles of threads:

Managed Verses Independent Ladies?

Italian verses Stripper Slide

pse verses gfe

ST. Charles verses ST. Louis?

Majichands has committed this offense no fewer than seven times!
DallasRain's Avatar
Fancy, down here in the south that is referred to as Coke. As in ....

You want a Coke?
What kind?
I'll have a Budweiser.

Wait a minute. That's not right. Originally Posted by BDD
lol now that I live in the Midwest...I hear the term "pop" ALL the time..ugghhhhh....this southern gal just calls it coke,no matter if its DrPepper or coke or Big Red!!

thats a scarey thought...I like my curtains,they are fun to play with!
I hate when 'versus' is misspelled in the titles of threads:

Managed Verses Independent Ladies?

Italian verses Stripper Slide

pse verses gfe

ST. Charles verses ST. Louis?

Majichands has committed this offense no fewer than seven times!
Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Dammit! Come spank my ugly.
I hate that!

thats a scarey thought...I like my curtains,they are fun to play with! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I like your curtains too and they are fun to play with
Fancyinheels's Avatar
You can tell I'm not from the South, can't you?

Soda has always been "pop" to me, and Coke wasn't the soft drink of choice at my house, nor Bud the beer. Growing up, I drank Orange Crush and A & W while the adults slogged Guinness, Harp, and some unnamed red my immigrant uncle brewed up in his garage.

I hate beer. (And an audible gasp erupts from the audience!) Not just Irish beer and ale, but any kind from any country. Just never developed a liking for the taste at all, despite multiple attempts in college. Give me a good Irish whiskey anytime, followed up by Russian vodka and Caribbean rum.
DallasRain's Avatar
mmmmm SeekinP....yours are so fun to nibble on too!

I hate beer! now Jack,hell yeahhhhhh {Texas roots dictate it}
I hate Drama, I love pussy. What was this thread about again?
  • BDD
  • 09-05-2015, 09:45 PM
From your "Time to take a nap" thread ...

I don't post on eccie till now, then I realize that I have a life and a job, and the perfect atf, so I'm doing no more than some here who live here. I don't know how to write a review and have no interest in anything eccie has to offer besides entertainment. So to all the coke bottle curves beauties, you look amazing but I can't find myself to step out of the comfort zone someone has accustomed me to. Perhaps one day I'll get a wild hair and take a plung with someone new, but for now I'll retire from my brief presence.

Ladies stay confident and beautiful, guys,,, just .... Stay "you" (assholes and white knights).

Happy and safe hobbying Originally Posted by count e 55
From your "I decided to take the plunge" thread...

I most definitely am retiring from the forums, I'm just looking for a double with Anna Originally Posted by count e 55

count e 55 ... Anal Star Light ... Anal Star Bright ... Why can't you just do what you say you are going to do, instead of posting things that are nothing more than a figment of some banned whore's imagination?
Hate is such a strong word.

However, I hate it when something like this happens. A provider has run her original handle into the sewer, accused hobbyists of atrocities such as stalking, reported providers who are single moms to Texas CPS, accused other providers of crimes that were never reported to LE (and therefore probably never happened), was banned for multiple handles and promoting medical procedures which are not sanctioned in the U.S., makes a claim that she needs to change her board name for security reasons, is allowed to do so, gets banned for outing other board members, comes back on the board during her latest ban period using at least two Mandles - one with an avatar that might be the banned hooker and the other with primate fingers who can't spell and has never learned anything about English grammar - and is allowed to carry on.

I always hate it when something like that happens. Originally Posted by BDD
Sounding like a whiney bitch. CPS doesn't get involved without a reason, they throw you a cup, you gotta piss clean. The don't get involved unless there is a need to take action. 20 people can call, cps doesn't take action unless there is a serious need. Perhaps when LE went to investigate the incident where Cassandra got a thug friend to beat up a provider, they reported her. Ever think of that? You want to drag the victims name in the mud, well let's tell it all. I met the victim on Ashley Madison. She was taking a eccie break, and we hooked up. I was with her several times when the investigators called for updates. I calmed her down and told her I would always be there for her. That Cassandra is a ghetto hood rat to the fullest. She may be able to run game on you, but I think your staying on her good side out of fear. Good for you,,,,,,

Sorry for the overload of info, I'm only commenting on BDD's constant cps Post. It's getting tiring. If a provided is on bancation let her be, why carry on like it's so personal to you? Unless there is a pussy behind that handle???