Because how the world views the US defines how the rest of the world treats the US. Are you fucking stupid?
We're a country of immigrants. Immigrants built the United States. Your hateful and intolerant attitude towards immigrants is based on racism, same as it's ever been.
You can't utilize Trump's wealth and his purported ability to build wealth as something that is politically attractive and as a political asset and then cry like the bitch you are when folks attack his wealth. Sorry, that's not the way the game gets played.
Originally Posted by timpage
The world treats us with the respect we earn - and we earn about as much respect as a chump deserves that gives away money for nothing and lets poor, uneducated losers invade us.
Immigrants built the United States by supporting themselves and their families, and making it better. Before the 60's, if you didn't work you stood in a bread line and were ashamed your kids were in an orphanage.
Straw man argument that I cried like a bitch when I was defending Mr. Trump's wealth building. I was pointing out the holes in WombRaider's arguments. You fucking know that also, but you rage away like the faggoty little bitch you are. Go suck another dick tonight, you pathetic, angry loser.