A question for the married hobbyists

David.Douchehurst's Avatar

When I tell my SO what I'm making for dinner (for just my crotchfruit and I, no less), and he's telling me that she made a 'salad' for dinner (and by salad, I mean lettuce, tomato, cucumber and "dressing is in the refrigerator"), I'm fucking pissed. He could be here with me having an amazing meal. But no, he's stuck with his sexless roommate (aka Chewbacca - go ahead, let your mind wander as to exactly which part of her is hairy) who doesn't fucking cook or clean. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Well, shugar-puss, yew gots ta take a step back. Thinck fer a sec'nd. Let's say yew tew wasn't a fukkin' tha shee'yit outta each utha.

What yew got is a feller thet's marriedt ta a hairy womb-man whut don't cook 'r clean 'r fukk. Why tha hell is thet feller STILL THAR? Most men-folk wulda got tha hell outta thar at sum point. Thar's only a few possimuhbilititties. He's dummer than dawg-shee'yit. She's got sump'in on'im thet culd send'im ta prison. He luvs her ta death wif all his heart an' soul (which means he ain't ne'er gonna leave'er). She's richer than tha Qween o' England (which means he ain't ne'er gonna leave'er). She's got close family members in tha Mah-fee-yah (which means he ain't ne'er gonna leave'er). He feels laik he owes 'er a debt thet he cain't e'er repay.

Then, thar's the chance thet thangs ain't as bad as he's a-tellin' yew. Culd be makin' sum o' thet shee'yit up. Mebbe awl of it. Ah, fer one, wuld thinck thet tha feller wulda lairnt ta cook by now. He's a grownt-ass man. Dam near awl tha famous chefs on tha TeeVee is grownt-ass men. Ah ain't got a lick o' sympathy fer him if he sez he's a-goin' hongry. Fukk it, make yerself a fryed baloney sammich, ya galoot.

Sounds ta meh laik he mite be usin' bein' hitched ta ol' Chewie as an excuse ta shine yew on whilst he gets ta fukk yew on tha side.

BTW, are yew shore thet he's really married? Mebbe his Chewie is fictshunal jus' laik tha one in Star Wars.

After reading this thread and your rant, I must add that I have major respect for you. You sound like a true old school woman with sincere ethics and wholesome vintage traditions. It's so difficult in today's society to find women that truly love to cook, clean, knit, bake, sew, gardening, etc; simply maintain a household. You, Claire, sound like a rare gem. I happily extend my hand out to you and greet you with much praise.
Deznuttz's Avatar
I feel like we're throwing salt in his game right now. But, I've learned over the years that the lady eventually wises up and ends it. It only makes sense, if you constantly scream how miserable you are but are unwilling to change it.
If you two have a good side thing going and your happy with it, then continue on. But if your hoping that he will leave his wife and run away with you, your only setting your self up for a lot of hurt.
I've given up a lot, personally and professional for who I thought at the time was my soulmate.
The whole cheaper to keep her, or stay together for the kids is bs. A divorce is expensive, but what is you perceived happiness worth?
As for children, they can see if your miserable, and is it doing them any service if the two are constantly bickering or even avoiding each other at home.
Also, if he does ask for a divorce, is everything hidden between him and you? She will want to blame the demise of her marriage on anything but herself. Phone records, cc receipts, husband's computer or phone. Your possibility of being exposed are very high in that situation.
dodger's Avatar
for me .. the hobby is about living out a romantic, erotic fantasy. it's about finding a woman ... thinking ... i would love to touch that... kiss that ... be with that person. then, pulling the trigger.

i don't book spontaneously. i am not seeking release. i don't book bng or half hour .. i'm not rushing through anything. i book in advance and enjoy looking forward to the session, savoring the anticipation. i adore the illusion of affection and the slutty flirty activities that take place. i don't book unless i feel a connection with the provider. it can be an act ,,,, it better be an act. lying is permitted, encouraged, sometimes necessary.

my hobby dates have as much to do with my real world life my brother's copies of playboy ... when i discovered them .. and my dick .. in my youth.

do guys hobby because something is lacking at home ... yes for some, no for others. i certainly can't explain why guys continue less than optimal relationships, or ladies for that matter. often i suspect it's a combination of an unwillingness to loose additional income and material goods and accounts, and "the devil you know".

the older i get ... the less i care. emary called me her old grouch ... fair description .. an old grouch who still likes to touch something soft, warm, moist, taste and smell a woman's cum.

but i guess i prefer the operational expense of a rental agreement ... over the capital expense of an acquisition.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
for me .. the hobby is about living out a romantic, erotic fantasy. it's about finding a woman ... thinking ... i would love to touch that... kiss that ... be with that person. then, pulling the trigger.

i don't book spontaneously. i am not seeking release. i don't book bng or half hour .. i'm not rushing through anything. i book in advance and enjoy looking forward to the session, savoring the anticipation. i adore the illusion of affection and the slutty flirty activities that take place.

my hobby dates have as much to do with my real world life my brother's copies of playboy ... when i discovered them .. and my dick .. in my youth.

do guys hobby because something is lacking at some ... yes for some, no for others. i certainly can't explain why guys continue less than optimal relationships, or ladies for that matter. often i suspect it's a combination of an unwillingness to loose additional income and material goods and accounts, and "the devil you know".

the older i get ... the less i care. emary called me her old grouch ... fair description .. an old grouch who still likes to touch something soft, warm, moist, taste and smell a woman's cum.

but i guess i prefer the operational expense of a rental agreement ... over the capital expense of an acquisition. Originally Posted by dodger
Dogger, you are the prime example of a hobbyist that has honed his hobby to his perfection, something to admire.

Cat in the Hat's Avatar
Here was a "Self Alert" as some people like to say if I've ever read one. Nilla better watch his ass if he is married. Most wives cook as well as clean whether they work or not. The Stay at home ones usually do more. Your opinion of what they do is probably formed based on tall tales from the client. Or has he bedded you in his home? His wife's bed? Did you get a first hand look?

Men lose interest in their wives at times. Wives lose interest in their husbands. What happens when they do depends a lot on their upbringing, family structure and support. Some drift apart. over time I doubt any guy is painting an accurate picture to the prostitute he is seeing.

LOL! I think most guys have it a hell of a lot better at home then they let on when BCD with you ladies. I sure as hell did and can admit to letting more than a couple of ladies think worse over the years but none were in your line of work. Especially the ones that are seeking more attention than sex. I would bet money you've heard one of those "all she made was salad" stories while she was in the restroom of some 5 star restaurant or out at the country club with him.

"Stuck with his sexless roommate"? Damn. Someone needs to give you a reality check as it sounds like you went and fell for a client and bought into his bullshit.

"Is it cheaper to keep her"? Hell no. Divorce has a finite and predictable price. Men stay married because they want to or need to. Not too often because they are miserable. So. Is Nilla married? Sounds like he best be looking over his shoulder for that inevitable "come to Jesus" moment that will occur when you and the wife meetup for you to vent these frustrations directly to her and apologize for becoming the "other woman"!

Men cheat. Not as often as they feel they NEED to as the times they do it simply because they want to.

As more than one has said, they are never going to pick a prostitute over the wife.
deerwhisperer's Avatar
these rich, spoiled house wives end up on my massage table and complain about their petty made-up problems. I do not think they do much other then spend money on themselves, i admit, I am jealous, but damn if I had a guy slaving away supporting me--I'd happily be his slave in exchange for the support. dinner-done, clean house-done, open mouth or spread legs-done. Financial security provided by someone who loves you would be such an awesome thing, these women take it for granted. They (rich, spoiled house wives) are demanding with me when on my table too, I really prefer male clients, they are so easy to keep 'happy'.
nuglet's Avatar
And then, there's some of us that just like getting different pussy once in a while, WITH THE WIFE'S KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL, since said pussy may be a guest in our playhouse for everyone pleasure. Surprising how much fun both husband and wife and provider can have in a pile. It's a shame more providers aren't couple friendly (ie: BI). I know I'm not the only one in this position, but keeping a happy marriage is a lot easier if everyone gets to play.
I will say that it's a shame that some providers mark up the donation price as if THEY were providing the 2nd lady, when in fact, the 2nd lady is already paid for. lol
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Here was a "Self Alert" as some people like to say if I've ever read one. Nilla better watch his ass if he is married. Most wives cook as well as clean whether they work or not. The Stay at home ones usually do more. Your opinion of what they do is probably formed based on tall tales from the client. Or has he bedded you in his home? His wife's bed? Did you get a first hand look?

Men lose interest in their wives at times. Wives lose interest in their husbands. What happens when they do depends a lot on their upbringing, family structure and support. Some drift apart. over time I doubt any guy is painting an accurate picture to the prostitute he is seeing.

LOL! I think most guys have it a hell of a lot better at home then they let on when BCD with you ladies. I sure as hell did and can admit to letting more than a couple of ladies think worse over the years but none were in your line of work. Especially the ones that are seeking more attention than sex. I would bet money you've heard one of those "all she made was salad" stories while she was in the restroom of some 5 star restaurant or out at the country club with him.

"Stuck with his sexless roommate"? Damn. Someone needs to give you a reality check as it sounds like you went and fell for a client and bought into his bullshit.

"Is it cheaper to keep her"? Hell no. Divorce has a finite and predictable price. Men stay married because they want to or need to. Not too often because they are miserable. So. Is Nilla married? Sounds like he best be looking over his shoulder for that inevitable "come to Jesus" moment that will occur when you and the wife meetup for you to vent these frustrations directly to her and apologize for becoming the "other woman"!

Men cheat. Not as often as they feel they NEED to as the times they do it simply because they want to.

As more than one has said, they are never going to pick a prostitute over the wife. Originally Posted by Cat in the Hat
Ah the ole "Stuck with a Sexless Roommate" schtick. I heard this, verbatim, not too long ago (eye roll with dick jerk motion)

My portfolio would be growing even more substantially if I had $100 bucks every time some chap laid that line on me. Or my personal favorite, lumpy schlubby man in grease stained khakis with ear hair and pits/nethers slightly redolent of chode fromage saying "I cheat because my wife won't fuck me".

File that in the No Fucking Shit folder. But get your ass in the shower first and give your dank undercarriage a good How's Your Father.
Deznuttz's Avatar
Wonder what happened, did she break it off or did he leave his wife? Or will it remain a side thing?
Oh Claire, this is perfect. I have replaced your name with Ann Landers and sent this to my first ex wife. If she responds directly I will share her response here.

In the meantime I got to get back to scrubbing the floor, wiping the windows, mucking the stalls, milking the cows, sloppin the hogs, feeding the babies and lining up my next eccie date.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Unlike some fuckwads who wanted to make this thread about you, I realize that you posted as a public service in line with your devotion to the happiness of hobby members.

I'd like to turn your Post premise around. If my roomy could make a good trophy wife, is independently wealthy, is well educated and provides stimulating conversation, keeps the house spotless, enjoys satisfying, regular sex, bakes new gourmet meals every night ..... then what the hell am I doing here?

I probably gonna cancels those sessions we talked about next month.

-Mr Peabody
nuglet's Avatar
Think you're looking at it from a selfish standpoint.
She is fucking two people, and getting paid for both.
Just because your wife is female doesn't change that.
Basically it's like a MFM, your wife is still a stranger.
Of course it would be great to have your cake and eat it too...... and not have to pay for it. Originally Posted by black sunshine
Somehow, you're the last person I'd care to hear from.. or care what the opinion is.
Deznuttz's Avatar
Unlike some fuckwads who wanted to make this thread about you, I realize that you posted as a public service in line with your devotion to the happiness of hobby members.

I'd like to turn your Post premise around. If my roomy could make a good trophy wife, is independently wealthy, is well educated and provides stimulating conversation, keeps the house spotless, enjoys satisfying, regular sex, bakes new gourmet meals every night ..... then what the hell am I doing here?

I probably gonna cancels those sessions we talked about next month.

-Mr Peabody Originally Posted by Mr Peabody

Umm, she did make it about her. Not sure how you got confused.
Dont think anyone was mean to her, so you can wk elsewhere.
nuglet's Avatar
OK keep coming off as a completely cheap ass guy looking to get his wife laid for free. Hahaha if she dropped the dead weight she'd probably have no problem. Originally Posted by black sunshine
you're ignorance screams out for attention. lol but your constant blah blah blah is cute.