Threads like these truly shine light on people's character. I understand that everyone has their own likes and dislikes when it comes to physical attraction. However, with that being said people are speaking on us ladies as though we are just objects with no feelings or insecurities about our bodies. Now flip the scenario and it was us as providers scrutinizing all of your physical flaws as clients. I just wish that people would think about how it would feel if the shoe was on the other foot before you get on the internet and bash provider's . Contrary to popular belief WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS AND WE HAVE FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS.
Originally Posted by Emmie
Agree sweetheart. We all are human beings and we all have feelings and emotions. We all have flaws, and all of us have felt the sting of rejection. It is the rejection part that the women are more accomplished than the men. The biggest attraction for guys is when a lady is interested in him, and will encourage him and be his partner - very rare indeed for this "new age" for women where the ladies can make as much money as the guys.
So, a lot of guys have given up, and pay for the time they spend with women rather then play the games.
We all deserve the respect of others as human beings, but not all people are nice. Some can be downright horrible.
Beauty is only skin deep. Try to look inside another person to try to understand them. It is the gentle and considerate people as well as the accomplished people with leadership ability that we invite to be our friends.
We don't need to be critical of the mean and nasty people, just leave them alone and walk away. However, this site exists to help each of us be safe by warning us of those who may harm us.
One's character is not reflected by the physical beauty. Unfortunately the physical is the first impression that we all use when we first meet people. Both genders are guilty of judging others by our physical appearance than by our inner beauty.
It takes time to get to know another person, and the lack of time to even talk to another is the sad truth of our fast moving lives.