
michaelbolton's Avatar
from a business perspective, how do you run out of meat by noon and turn away a line around the corner on a daily basis? either they aren't in it for the money or are the most foolish proprietors in the city.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
from a business perspective, how do you run out of meat by noon and turn away a line around the corner on a daily basis? either they aren't in it for the money or are the most foolish proprietors in the city. Originally Posted by michaelbolton

The business plan seems almost contemptuous of its clients in every way. I also don't understand waiting in line for literal hours to give someone my patronage and my valuable money. And in the end you get a mediocre product and scurrilous or non-existent service. Yet the sheeple line up at Franklins/Hopdoddy/NCNS Hookers....
AtxTexMex's Avatar
Go to Le Barbeque.
Arron used to be the pitmaster for Franklins for manybyears then went in his own.
Same BBQ no insane wait.
derek303's Avatar
I used to hear about Snow's more. I never took the drive but they only do it on the weekends and same story about the line. Somebody mentioned Mann's as well. I have driven by there many times and it never looks open. But yeah, I'm not standing in line like that at franklin's or anywhere.
I always thought Franklin's was overhyped, much like everything from Austin is (ACL,SXSW). But good marketing so people go.

Food is delicious but seriously I've gone to places in Lockhart and I've had great BBQ there without the line. I'm sure there are many other locals in Austin.
sue_nami's Avatar
Vics BBQ on Burleson and 71 is very good, been around a long time and the lines moves quickly at lunch with state and federal employees filling the place and getting out on time. they have won a bunch of trophies at rib cook offs and such. in fact i am going to there now and have lunch. thanks for the idea! try Vic when on the south side, the pork loin is so good as are the ribs. the only thing i do not like there is their beans. I would never stand in a line like franklins, i have better things to do with my time than chase down the latest food fad in town.
PrettyBoyG's Avatar
I agree with sue_nami. I'm a South Austin guy and Vics BBQ is really good. I think it's foolish to stand in line several hours for BBQ. If I wanted BBQ that bad, I would just drive to Elgin or Lockhart since it is much better than Franklins. Just my .02.
blowmypop23's Avatar
its fuking BBQ, Franklins is no better than Southside, Meyers or Blacks...

NO BBQ is worth wating more than 30 minutes in line for. I have eaten BBQ from Georgia to Cali.. and my buddies dad to this day makes the best ribs I have ever eaten! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Are you kidding me- Blacks is turtle piss compared to LA BBQ and Franklins

I appreciate the responses but damn fellas it's just a question, I'm not from here! Originally Posted by MindanaoM
This is TX, we take our BBQ pretty fucking seriously

Hard to fuck up BBQ, but not going to wait in line and no you can't have a line sitter anymore at Frank's!

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Hard to fuck up BBQ?!? More like hard to make good bbq. Fucking up BBQ is what most of these places do. It's not easy getting just the right amount of smoke into brisket and ribs while making sure the meat isn't dry. Getting the perfect marbling in there and that delicious smoke ring.

Your right, I like Rudys when I'm on the go, Opies when I'm down 71, and Lamberts when I'm downtown, but can't stand the salt lick, it's a dump. Otherwise I have had good BBQ at stubs and a few other places, not as jaded as some, give me some time.

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
I like the salt lick in driftwood, I don't think I've ever tried the one in round rock. I enjoyed rudy's years ago before I ate real BBQ now its like eating a C-store hot dog compared to real places.

from a business perspective, how do you run out of meat by noon and turn away a line around the corner on a daily basis? either they aren't in it for the money or are the most foolish proprietors in the city. Originally Posted by michaelbolton
This is how all the good BBQ joints do it. If you stay open from 11-9 and make sure you have enough food for that time fram then you are
A. going to have waste- you cannot fridge up and resale left over bbq at these places.
B. You will lose that sense of urgency to get down to eat. they've created an urgency since everyone knows it closes when they sell out. You can't argue with a business plan that has a 4 hour wait every day. That place is making $$ hand over foot.
Slotgoop's Avatar
Go to Le Barbeque.
Arron used to be the pitmaster for Franklins for manybyears then went in his own.
Same BBQ no insane wait. Originally Posted by AtxTexMex
^^^This! ^^^
But do it quick, the way it's popularity is growing it will be another Franklins soon. They are in the food trailer court on the NE corner of I35 and Cesar Chavez.
michaelbolton's Avatar
This is how all the good BBQ joints do it. If you stay open from 11-9 and make sure you have enough food for that time fram then you are

A. going to have waste- you cannot fridge up and resale left over bbq at these places. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
you forecast it, from experience, like all restaurants do. some waste is unavoidable but comes nowhere near offsetting all their lost revenue

B. You will lose that sense of urgency to get down to eat. they've created an urgency since everyone knows it closes when they sell out. You can't argue with a business plan that has a 4 hour wait every day. That place is making $$ hand over foot. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
an urgency among some and a "you're crazy if you think i'm waiting that long" mindset among many many more....any business plan that makes customers wait 4 hours is a shitty business plan, or absence of one entirely. They'd be making hand over feet if they changed
GneissGuy's Avatar
I'm unlikely to wait that long myself, but the "small business, not going to expand" model works for some. It generates extra interest and an "elite" atmosphere.

Many of them don't make it when they try to expand. I think sometimes the quality goes down, sometimes, they just lose the hype.

There's too many other good BBQ choices in town for me to bother with waiting for hours, unless I'm doing it to for the hype.

You know, I accidentally typed BBW instead of BBQ. It's funny to read this whole thread as "BBW" instead of BBQ.

Some local lady should start billing herself as "Franklin's BBW,"
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Mr Franklin is launching a BBQ festival in Austin so I think expansion is in mind. It will feature a full metal shop on site with welders and all one needs to make a custom BBQ rig, might be interesting. I think its going to happen next year.

Guest110715-3's Avatar
La Barbecue also sells out...and they MOVED. Here is the new address:
AUSTIN, TX 78702
I once "hired" someone to wait and go thru the line for me. I was but impressed with the brisket at all. It was a waste of two 6-packs of beer.

I agree with LABBQ and Vic's if you're in east or south Austin. There is also a place on E.2nd and Pleasant Valley that has really good BBQ at a reasonable price. I haven't been back in that part of the hood in a couple of years, so I don't know if it's still there.

I was also not impressed with Salt Lick.
nuglet's Avatar
agree, the Salt Lick is for Tourists.