My incall situation

Next Best Thing's Avatar
I see.

I guess I was trying to get a fine point on this debacle I got myself tangled up in from the point of view of a reasonably clear-thinking hook.

I saw the situation as "attempted sugaring". Or maybe it was just a poorly executed attempted love-con? Who can say.
Either way she was trying to take advantage. Some girls need to remember that desperation is not a good look.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I don't mind desperation on the part of the hook, but when they try to transfer those feeling over to me I get a little insulted.

Anyway I think I'm pretty safe now, it's been a couple of days with zero contact of any kind.

That was an outstanding utr hook though, at least for a period of time. Hooks like that are not falling out of the sky, that's for sure.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
And here's the cherry on top. And I promise after this I won't ever speak of this again.

The hook tried to deal from the bottom of the deck in the worst way possible. She started whinging about how if I didn't lay out more $$$ she wouldn't be able to buy her fucking child a birthday present. Can you believe that shit? Whoa was I hot after hearing that! A fucking three-ring circus already.

I say this so none of you hooks with integrity ever attempt an amateur stunt like that.

That's low.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Flapperdoodle threD whew. Got some air
Gotyour6's Avatar
No! That is not sugaring. I am on a few sugar sites. I talk with potential Daddies sometimes for 1-3 weeks before meeting them. I tell them my real name, phone number, about my vanilla job. It's much more personal. I share photos, we sometimes text/email/chat on phone daily. We meet to gauge chemistry. Start with a date in public. Sometimes intimacy happens right away but not always. I usually negotiate a per meet "allowance" until trust is established and then we agree on a monthly allowance which is a lump sum given at the beginning of the month. Pretty much unlimited pictures/texting/etc. between dates. Flexible on number of dates per month, often including overnights and weekends. No time limit is set for the dates and SDs also shouldnt expect their sugar baby to just meet them at a hotel and then leave. Sometimes including trips (I'm supposed to go to Puerto Rico this winter). Often including gifts/shopping which are given at the Daddies discretion. This is how I do things. Everyone is different. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
When you do this you established you are a hooker.
If you have more than one "daddy" you are a hooker.

You just found a sucker to pay you more.

You say you are on sugar sites which means you are part of the reason why guys with money stop going to them and enter the real world to find them in stores and places they may eat on a regular basis.
Ok, whatever you say. A guy needs to trust that I'm not going to run away with a monthly allowance after one date. Trust takes time. I've discussed exclusivity with some people and it's an option.
Well the truth is:
- The best benefactors rarely refer themselves as such (especially with words like "sugar daddy")
- The vast majority of high caliber benefactors are not on "sugar sites".

Missburger's Avatar
And here's the cherry on top. And I promise after this I won't ever speak of this again.

The hook tried to deal from the bottom of the deck in the worst way possible. She started whinging about how if I didn't lay out more $$$ she wouldn't be able to buy her fucking child a birthday present. Can you believe that shit? Whoa was I hot after hearing that! A fucking three-ring circus already.

I say this so none of you hooks with integrity ever attempt an amateur stunt like that.

Sorry. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

I hear I need school books
I need gas money
I need food
I need
I need

yes that's the line they play

never ends

cut it off and move on

I did it was too much for me
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Exactly. It's what I was going through this weekend. Cleansing I would say.

On the other debate point here, I'm relatively the sure that the hook with the ginormous hooters never once objected to being called a hook. I think she's going for a specialized for of niche-hooking.

Either way not nearly as ludicrous as the pay-in-advance hooking scheme going nowhere in the other thread.
Missburger's Avatar
Exactly. It's what I was going through this weekend. Cleansing I would say.

On the other debate point here, I'm relatively the sure that the hook with the ginormous hooters never once objected to being called a hook. I think she's going for a specialized for of niche-hooking.

Either way not nearly as ludicrous as the pay-in-advance hooking scheme going nowhere in the other thread. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
yes I hear you man on all that u said

I like the pay at the end of the month and only if u earn it lol
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Giants - 27

Ticking Time-Bombs - 20
No! That is not sugaring. I am on a few sugar sites. I talk with potential Daddies sometimes for 1-3 weeks before meeting them. I tell them my real name, phone number, about my vanilla job. It's much more personal. I share photos, we sometimes text/email/chat on phone daily. We meet to gauge chemistry. Start with a date in public. Sometimes intimacy happens right away but not always. I usually negotiate a per meet "allowance" until trust is established and then we agree on a monthly allowance which is a lump sum given at the beginning of the month. Pretty much unlimited pictures/texting/etc. between dates. Flexible on number of dates per month, often including overnights and weekends. No time limit is set for the dates and SDs also shouldnt expect their sugar baby to just meet them at a hotel and then leave. Sometimes including trips (I'm supposed to go to Puerto Rico this winter). Often including gifts/shopping which are given at the Daddies discretion. This is how I do things. Everyone is different. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl

One these sites it is very easy to tell the difference between providers posing as SBs.

BB, your description is straight on as how an arrangement develops. It is hard work to find someone that there is chemistry with to see multiple times per month and have ongoing contact with through out day/week/month.

Most girls are regular college girls or just girls with regular jobs who want some extra money to help out. They do not see it as providing, and have only 1 or 2 guys they "date".

There is a broad definition of what SD/SB arrangements are. G6 has a very specific definition as a purist of this type of relationship. For me i am in the middle. girls i have met and seen have been great. One was the pleading type and every week was a crisis, so it had to be ended. The good ones are when there is a good mutual chemistry and one going friendship.
Back a month or so ago I took a two week hiatus from eccie. My account was deleted (and later reinstated). I was discussing an exclusive arrangement with someone at the time. I understand what it is all about. There have been a handful of times I have negotiated an allowance between 4-6k per month with the plans of it being exclusive. They all fell through rather quickly. It's simple. If someone is giving a small allowance or is only able to see me once a month then there's no way I'm going to promise exclusivity. These men know that they're not the only partner I have. I am very open about it. The man in my life whom I have the closest emotional connection with right now is someone I met on a sugar site and he knows all about me being a provider. We are very honest with each other. I met him before I joined eccie or started providing and when I joined here I told him.