Unspoken Respect of Common Courtesy.

Wakeup's Avatar
You want to know something funny about the "moral high ground"?

This isn't the symphony, the opera, or a match-making ball...

But I will say that those with the etiquette, class, and the courtesy you deny exist pay no attention to the squabblings of crude dock workers...

...because it's beneath dignity...

...perform your practiced verbal vomit; #blacklivesmatter.

Wave that squirt bottle around; my driver will be cleaning off my carriage. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
I'm not the one trying to claim it...

He's got the moral, behavioral, social and economic high ground claimed all for himself, and those like him...leaving nothing for the rest of us minorities but the low class, dingy bars where we cuss and fuck ourselves into a stupor before washing his carriage the next day...

I like this guy...he's got an endless supply of Grey Poupon for me...
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Old-T; don't soil yourself in this disgrace of a conversation. Wakeup's sole tool is to choose 1% of an argument, reconstruct it to victimize himself (like above), declare the 99% he's ignored to be null and void, then soap box grandstand.

As I've said, it's an intellectual waste, and he's the Internet equivalent to an unstoppable tsunami wave of verbal diarrhea. There is no reasoning, no logic, no demands or dialogue - you just get out of the way while it blubbers past making loud farting noise and covering everything in shit.

All I did was stick a sign in the fetid morass identifying it, lest hapless bystanders get sprayed with this brand of fecal putrescence.

Everything it spews is precisely what it is supposed to spew. A decent programmer could write a bot script to post equally intelligently as Wakeup, complete with the same logical fallacies, self-victimization, and grandstanding.

I've said all that can be said I think. Wakeup responds in formula precisely as predicted. He will keep doing so; it's his only play. You can't reason with a wasp...or a mosquito...or a spider. They are unavoidable annoyances - you swat at them, but you don't attempt to reason them out of their nature. Nothing different here.
albundy's Avatar
As usual you are self delusional. No one truly cares your race, or your proclivity towards alcohol, or how magnanimous you like to make yourself feel by your contributions. What the posters here see in you is a self important pontificator who wants to be the Rev Jones, imparting his interpretation of the moral high ground on the ignorant masses.

Believe what you wish. Set your own moral compas. But expect well deserved ridicule when you thump your overly simplistic moral book on the table and tell us to convert. Once again the "elephant" soils only himself. Originally Posted by Old-T
As I've said, it's an intellectual waste, and he's the Internet equivalent to an unstoppable tsunami wave of verbal diarrhea. There is no reasoning, no logic, no demands or dialogue - you just get out of the way while it blubbers past making loud farting noise and covering everything in shit.

All I did was stick a sign in the fetid morass identifying it, lest hapless bystanders get sprayed with this brand of fecal putrescence.

Everything it spews is precisely what it is supposed to spew. A decent programmer could write a bot script to post equally intelligently as Wakeup, complete with the same logical fallacies, self-victimization, and grandstanding.

I've said all that can be said I think. Wakeup responds in formula precisely as predicted. He will keep doing so; it's his only play. You can't reason with a wasp...or a mosquito...or a spider. They are unavoidable annoyances - you swat at them, but you don't attempt to reason them out of their nature. Nothing different here. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman

100% TRUTH! Both posts are on the money.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-05-2015, 09:31 PM
Old-T; don't soil yourself in this disgrace of a conversation. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Sadly I do on occasion enjoy visiting the zoo and watching the lesser primates. It is a flaw I am working on.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Methinks the gentleman complains about the WU violating the rules of engagement whilst himself violating the rules of engagement in his own complaint.

Me also thinks the Old T moralizes about the WU's moralizing. Tsk tsk tsk.

Won't anyone just put up their dukes and argue?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-06-2015, 07:26 AM
Methinks the gentleman complains about the WU violating the rules of engagement whilst himself violating the rules of engagement in his own complaint.

Me also thinks the Old T moralizes about the WU's moralizing. Tsk tsk tsk.

Won't anyone just put up their dukes and argue? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I plead guilty as charged. Though I do not try to tell people how their own moral compassion should be calibrated--at least on most things. I have not walked in their moccasins.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Methinks the gentleman complains about the WU violating the rules of engagement whilst himself violating the rules of engagement in his own complaint.

Me also thinks the Old T moralizes about the WU's moralizing. Tsk tsk tsk.

Won't anyone just put up their dukes and argue? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
1. Pointing out ad hominem isn't using it. I DID - gratuitously - afterwards - to serve a point.

2. I led with an argument on topic. The Dukes were put up, the combo delivered, the fight over in the first few seconds - but since we are all here for entertainment, I knocked out the ref, then performed surgery in the ring while telling jokes.

If you want the dukes, go back to the beginning, watch the fight, and skip the ensuing show.

The fight is over now, and given how boring and unequal the First round was, no point in you asking for more.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Since Wakeup is up and fighting again on new battlegrounds, I thought I'd resurrect this one!
seductivestorm's Avatar
There is, and those etiquette manuals are still used and taught in some places.

This would be a more appropriate phrase, and you contribute and role model to this philosophy.

This would also be accurate; internet anonymity makes people feel safe to behave poorly, and to reveal their vilest urges.

This isn't the symphony, the opera, or a match-making ball - this is the dockside sailor's rest where sailors long at sea come to drink, curse, and fornicate, and the women have learned the same behavior.

You're the self-proclaimed king of the dock workers; you do your best to build a pedestal of scorn and abuse on the backs of the rest of the common man to crown yourself their king - through determination, repetition, and strict pursuit of your creed, you've established the standard for crude, base, rude behavior.

And since you have worked so hard to establish that standard of behavior, combined with your self-appellation "King of the Worst" it is expected that you project your behavior as the only acceptable behavior. I won't advise you to open your eyes (to wakeup even?) and look beyond the filth you advocate - you're too set in your ways.

But I will say that those with the etiquette, class, and the courtesy you deny exist pay no attention to the squabblings of crude dock workers - in part because it's beneath dignity, but in larger part because a career antagonist like yourself desires nothing more than to drag down anyone willing to pause long enough to give him the space of breath to perform your practiced verbal vomit; a readily recognized trap of the career antagonist / ambulance chaser / copyright troll / #blacklivesmatter / #WakeupAgenda.

Don't you ever wonder why you seemingly win all your internet arguments? Deep down, you must wonder. You haven't outargued anyone, presented facts, studies, data to support your opinions. Surely your brothel philosophizing has creased this wave of thought at least once? Your method of argumentation is to out-shout, out-insult, and out-victimize anyone crosses your pseudo-intellectualism. Eventually, even the most stubborn opponent realizes that trying to argue with an oncoming tidal wave of liquid diarrhea is foolhardy and gets out of the way. You can't reason with fecal matter, even if it makes noise.

Back to the dockside analogy - I'm sure you'll squirt some of your bottled diarrhea at my carriage in passing, and when I fail to come back to demand you replace that squirt bottle of liquid feces with distilled water and change your life, you'll claim another internet victory for yourself - but the sole two weapons in your argumentative arsenal are the logical fallacies ignoratio elenchi, and ad hominem.

Wave that squirt bottle around; my driver will be cleaning off my carriage. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
You sir are the best! Very well written and very true indeed.