The rest of the world need to wake up (no pun on your name Wakeup) and come together and get rid of the problem once and for all or things like this will continue to happen. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926You mean "awaken the sleeping giant"?
Heh, for that to happen the jihadis are going to have to kill POTUS, or a MLBaseball team in its entirety, or explode the fucking Oscar thing and kill a shitload of movie stars...they can kill all the ordinary people they want to and the giant's gonna stay asleep.
And if the giant does finally wake the fuck up, it won't do a bit of good as long as we wage war by Geneva and they wage war like Tumujin (Genghis Khan, for you government school victims) did: in other words...identify the enemy, kill the enemy...and his offspring...and his parents...and his goats...and his mullah, especially his mullah. Firebomb his hometown.
This is the method Lenin and Stalin used to Sovietize Central Asia...easy peasy. They didn't give a shit whether or not they were liked...just so long as they were feared. It's no accident the names Stalin and Temujin both refer to steel.