Any new client applicant, with two solid provider references, can get a P411 membership without giving us ANY significant real life information. These clients are also eligible for a free six month trial membership, no credit card needed and no strings attached.
If you have two provider references and would like to take advantage of the free 6 month trial, fill out our short form here:
P411 Client Application - Two References
If you don't have solid provider references, we will need to do an employment/retirement/student verification. If we go that route, any real life info that may have been collected is deleted and destroyed once the account is approved. This is for our protection, as well as yours. The privacy of our members is essential to the success of our business!
If at some point they hire an employee that turns out to be not so trustworthy - you lose.We are a very small company, and we don't "hire" employees. Never have, and never will.
The people working behind the scenes on P411 are a very small handful of my close friends/family (there are 8 of us) and we have all been here since day one in 2005... and in fact, every single person working behind the scenes with me now, also worked with me prior to 2005, with Private Connection. Some of the older board denizens can attest to that fact. We won't ever bring in anyone new, for our protection, as well as yours.
Regardless, it's up to you to decide what works best for you as an individual. I don't hold any hard feelings towards those who choose not to join us, but I do encourage everyone to at least give us a try!
