Super bowl raffle - volunteer needed

motocrossman39's Avatar
So Is That 3 Girls So far!!!???
This is gonna be FUUUUUUNNNN!~!!!!
Well, sign me up. I'll try anything four or five times... just in case it's an acquired taste. If it's after the 15th of February though I won't be able to manage it until mid-March at least as I'll be out for a bit.

I’ll even post a few images from my football photo shoot just to show my 'team spirit'.

motocrossman39's Avatar
Let's Start A List Ladie's for us Gentlemen to see, Just Copy & Paste and add your Name:

1. Hot Meagan
2. Wynterstark
3. Hotlips Holuhan
4. RN Sweetie
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Let's Start A List Ladie's for us Gentlemen to see, Just Copy & Paste and add your Name:

1. Hot Meagan
2. Wynterstark
3. Hotlips Holuhan
4. RN Sweetie
10. Originally Posted by motocrossman39
I didn't see her that wishful thinking?
motocrossman39's Avatar
Which One?, so far they are all wishful thinking till I win! LOL
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Never mind...I saw in the other thread that Hot Meagan had told someone she's in...
Hmmm this is interesting, i thought this thread would have been at least 4 or 5 pages long with beautiful ladies tossing their name in the pot.
motocrossman39's Avatar
Working on it Lisa...Do you want in Dear ????
I suppose we should define exactly how long an 'over night' is? Unless it's already been specified and I missed it? The gentleman who started the thread said that the lady who was chosen would be sure to make at least her standard donation for an overnight but I know many companions who have different overnight expectations depending on if your over night is 5 hours or 8 or 12.

Is there an industry standard for this? Did I miss the memo?
Cowboy2Step's Avatar
I suppose each lady subscribing to the idea, should post hours they are willing to provide for the special occasion and extras as was originally stated by traveling man(ie, a girlfriend to visit for the first 2 hours, etc)???

Industry standard...memo...LMAO!!! I love your sense of humor!!!
Cowboy2Step's Avatar
Gawd, 12 hours with Wynter...please let me win...I am still young, but I may need to borrow some Nitro pills in case I win this bonanza!!!
motocrossman39's Avatar
Good Thoughts Wynter-
The Provider could list her "Offer" next to her name, such as (example only)
1. GoodGirl - 12 Hours, Minimum Gift of $1,200, no greek, 1st 2 hours with double's partner

Something like that? What do you think?
We Hobbyists are looking at $1,000 - $1,500 (depending on the men who sign up and pay) We would use the funds for the provider, hotel, dinner, breakfast and such...once again, all depending on total entries in the raffle.
So if a provider will not do a 12 hour session for less than $2,500, she probably should not enter the raffle.
I would suspect, hours would be say 7 PM - 7 AM, or somewhere in that area...detailes could be worked out...between the winners I am sure...
I want in to, you never know......add me to the list ......thanks
motocrossman39's Avatar
OK - Lisa.Lisa0302 is in woooo hooooo! We Have 5 Providers to choose from!
Let's Start A List Ladie's for us Gentlemen to see, Just Copy & Paste and add your Name:

1. Hot Meagan
2. Wynterstark
3. Hotlips Holuhan
4. RN Sweetie
5. Lisa.Lisa0302
Im in and ready woohoo