that sound ok to me. Even as we are so so we have had beersYes even as we are so so I would grab a beer with you anytime
I miss that bar. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
You need to lay off those big fucking burgers and garbage plates. Originally Posted by XLI have for a year now dang nab it all
I have for a year now dang nab it allSounds like a case of diverticulosis but that is not medical speculation so fuck you moderators.
peanuts and popcorn also dam it
hope it was not the corn
I like yogurt, but getting fucking tired of it
can't have bread with seeds errrrrrrrrr
last SteveT's , was no hot sauce. darn Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Sounds like a case of diverticulosis but that is not medical speculation so fuck you moderators. Originally Posted by XLya Its a pain in the ahem ass
I'm Just not childish enough to engage..I have yrs on this site and yrs of solid reputation..he has 8 reviews total...and no background of solid hobby history so as far as I'm concerned I was seeing a newb..Over it..And no I didn't screen hard enough..lesson learned.. Originally Posted by Lucky LadyYou didn't screen at all the second time around. Furthermore, as far as newness is concerned maybe I will let others chime in.....
Why is there so much hate in your tone? Almost every review or post you put up is filled with hate or just general lack of respect for the providers. I understand not liking a provider and that's fine. But they're still people. They're still women. They're mothers, daughters, grand children, sisters....their job or choices shouldn't have any bearing on the respect level. But every post you write is so full of disgustingness (if that's even a word), that if I were a provider id never see you or anyone like you. Are you that little of a man that you need to berate and show how tough of a guy you are by calling women whores? You clearly have no issue in seeing them. Idk if it's just an online act (which I truly hope) or if you're really an abusive piece of dog shit in real life. Ether way it's disgusting. My message to any of the women on this board is to ban you. Originally Posted by sucrunchman