off track? of ftopic? so what?

RocketSurgeon's Avatar
Ok ok I was premature (not like most can't relate) in my response. What the crap is this 365.24 blah blah blah? My head hurts.

Free pussy? That's almost as foreign as that logic word mentioned earlier.

I'll go back to being a hooker. ..sigh...good thing my bjs are more mind blowing than my thought Originally Posted by MissSaraXXX
I'm just giving you shit. I saw BCPL jump off the cliff and I figured I'd take a logical leap and see what you said.
Well babe after hot sex with me at least you will have 23 hrs and 56 minutes to do the rest of you days activities
Originally Posted by BigDeal
Perfect. I'm still charging you the full 24 hrs though. And thanks for the best 4 minutes of my life!

Hope all is well, bd!!!
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
To be bearer of bad earth day is 23 hrs 56 mins and 4.1 secs....we wouldn't need an extra day to make up lost time. If you were correct; leap year would be the subtraction of a day to get back on calender. Perhaps, they moderate to avoid crazy bs since we cant even handle one topic accurately? ??? Originally Posted by MissSaraXXX
every year(time around the sun) takes ~ 365.25 days long
which is why we have leap years
Leap Years are needed to keep our modern day Gregorian Calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the sun. It takes the Earth approximately 365.242199 days – or 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds – to circle once around the Sun. This is called a tropical year.

what are you talking about subtraction?
I think you are confusing revolutions of the earth making a complete spin and the time it takes for the earth to travel completely around the sun

leap year is once every 4 years, because of the above stated fact

back to moderation of threads

why does it matter?
why do we have police saying, OMG THIS IS NOT WHAT THIS THREAD IS ABOUT!
I'm constantly reminded of a scene from Seinfeld

Jerry: Hey!
George: I want your honest opinion about something.
Jerry: Have I ever been less than forthright?
George: No, you haven't. Well, maybe you have. What do I know.
Jerry: Yeah, I probably have. Yeah, of course I have. What am I talking about?
George: All right. Okay, tell me what you think about this idea: Extend the doors on the toilet stalls at Yankee Stadium all the way to the floor.
Jerry: Extend the doors on the toilet stalls at Yankee Stadium to the floor ...door comes down. Hides your feet. Yes. I like it. I like it a lot.
George: It's good, right?
Jerry: I think it's fantastic. I think it's a fantastic idea.
George: You do?
Jerry: Yes, I do.
George: Well, I told it to Susan: before, and she didn't like it.
Jerry: Hmm.
George: Yeah. Not only that, this is what she said to me, "Can we change the subject?"
Jerry: See, now that I don't care for.
George: Right. I mean, we're on a subject. Why does it have to be changed?
Jerry: It should resolve of its own volition.

George: That's exactly what I said, except I used the word "momentum".
Jerry: Momentum - same thing.
George: Same thing

why does it matter that people go off on tangents as the thread matures....
I understand not allowing topics such as kid or drugs, etc and other off limit topics/pics. as legal issues MAYBE

but to give a member demerits for going off on tangents?
give me a break
Perfect. I'm still charging you the full 24 hrs though. And thanks for the best 4 minutes of my life!

Hope all is well, bd!!! Originally Posted by MissSaraXXX
I think it is a vastly smaller amount of time than you should credit him with given his self deprecating remark and the little lesson you provided earlier. I'm sure you'll figure out how much less. But glad you enjoyed the hot sex provided however short it may be.

I'm quite sure we went off topic but how when we are talking about why not keep talking about any and everything and still keep the discussion going whatever it morphs into. So I'm guessing we're still on track after all.

And this topic has lead to some interesting thoughts at least enough for me to respond.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I'm quite sure we went off topic but how when we are talking about why not keep talking about any and everything and still keep the discussion going whatever it morphs into. So I'm guessing we're still on track after all.

And this topic has lead to some interesting thoughts at least enough for me to respond. Originally Posted by DrewBerryMoore
I had a job once that gave vacation time after a year of working
I started june 2 1803 , so a year is up june 2 1804, right?
no, because 1804 is a leap year and a year is 365 days, so I shoulda gotten time off on june 1, 1804

didnt happen.
every year(time around the sun) takes ~ 365.25 days long
which is why we have leap years
Leap Years are needed to keep our modern day Gregorian Calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the sun. It takes the Earth approximately 365.242199 days – or 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds – to circle once around the Sun. This is called a tropical year.

what are you talking about subtraction?
I think you are confusing revolutions of the earth making a complete spin and the time it takes for the earth to travel completely around the sun

leap year is once every 4 years, because of the above stated fact

back to moderation of threads

why does it matter?
why do we have police saying, OMG THIS IS NOT WHAT THIS THREAD IS ABOUT!
I'm constantly reminded of a scene from Seinfeld

Jerry: Hey!
George: I want your honest opinion about something.
Jerry: Have I ever been less than forthright?
George: No, you haven't. Well, maybe you have. What do I know.
Jerry: Yeah, I probably have. Yeah, of course I have. What am I talking about?
George: All right. Okay, tell me what you think about this idea: Extend the doors on the toilet stalls at Yankee Stadium all the way to the floor.
Jerry: Extend the doors on the toilet stalls at Yankee Stadium to the floor ...door comes down. Hides your feet. Yes. I like it. I like it a lot.
George: It's good, right?
Jerry: I think it's fantastic. I think it's a fantastic idea.
George: You do?
Jerry: Yes, I do.
George: Well, I told it to Susan: before, and she didn't like it.
Jerry: Hmm.
George: Yeah. Not only that, this is what she said to me, "Can we change the subject?"
Jerry: See, now that I don't care for.
George: Right. I mean, we're on a subject. Why does it have to be changed?
Jerry: It should resolve of its own volition.

George: That's exactly what I said, except I used the word "momentum".
Jerry: Momentum - same thing.
George: Same thing

why does it matter that people go off on tangents as the thread matures....
I understand not allowing topics such as kid or drugs, etc and other off limit topics/pics. as legal issues MAYBE

but to give a member demerits for going off on tangents?
give me a break Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Yes we understand you'd like to talk about whatever is on your mind and where the tangents may lead if deemed interesting by you. And to a degree that is allowed since such as the prime example made by MissSara picking off on the subject of the example you were providing rather than the actual topic itself we were lead on a tangent and thus off topic and no one has been around to correct it. Thus some leeway is allowed. But the discretion is obviously to popular view and by the mods.

To end the discussion here once and for all, given that there is no changing of the rules and discussions are strictly conducted by the rules given, it is basically fascism and you are going to have to accept it. It's not majority rules or sensibility please come make a play.

But in light of all that, there does need to be a balance. And there needs to be a limit enforced so not all threads devolve or fundamentally change as time goes on. If that were to happen, all the threads would just appear chaotic and unhelpful to those wishing to further the discussion. In other words utter madness. That's taking things to the extreme. Some threads don't matter as much like the sandbox stuff. But, lets get back to you since it has become so much of an issue for you that you felt compelled to bring it up. I'm quite sure you BCPL are capable of some self restraint. Sadly no one here shares my confidence. Therein lies your dilemma. Only one for you to figure out since the fascist world in which you're posting isnt in the slightest.

But I must commend you for making an effort in fighting against the rules as well as the majority who believe in them. A lesser man would just let imagined barbarism be. (I'm sorry that sounded a bit hollow and pandering but I am being sincere to a degree.)
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
To end the discussion here once and for all, given that there is no changing of the rules and discussions are strictly conducted by the rules given, it is basically fascism and you are going to have to accept it. It's not majority rules or sensibility please come make a play. Originally Posted by DrewBerryMoore
yeah, that's what I said in post 3
like laws arent right/wrong, rules are not right/wrong, they are simply the rules

But in light of all that, there does need to be a balance. And there needs to be a limit enforced so not all threads devolve or fundamentally change as time goes on. If that were to happen, all the threads would just appear chaotic and unhelpful to those wishing to further the discussion. In other words utter madness. That's taking things to the extreme. Some threads don't matter as much like the sandbox stuff. But, lets get back to you since it has become so much of an issue for you that you felt compelled to bring it up. I'm quite sure you BCPL are capable of some self restraint. Sadly no one here shares my confidence. Therein lies your dilemma. Only one for you to figure out since the fascist world in which you're posting isnt in the slightest.

But I must commend you for making an effort in fighting against the rules as well as the majority who believe in them. A lesser man would just let imagined barbarism be. (I'm sorry that sounded a bit hollow and pandering but I am being sincere to a degree.) Originally Posted by DrewBerryMoore
Im not fighting, as much as trying to understand the thoughts behind it
I enjoy reading a thread and seeing how the topic changes and then a MOD comes in and yellls and the topic usually is dead by then
so what's the point of the mod yelling?
I know sometimes other members enjoy being useless and trying to insult each other for some reason?
so it seems the MODs telling us to stay "on topic" is just them parenting. but what a waste of energy