
TheDaliLama's Avatar
She just had lunch with BO the other day. The Obama DOJ won't touch her.
LexusLover's Avatar
I hope you get robbed and beaten by a refugee/illegal immigrant tonight on 6th street. Originally Posted by DSK
"robbed" of what? His ACA grant was a tax be paid back this next year.

He won't be beaten by any Muslims as long as he avoids the swishy walk.
Another deep and well thought out thread. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do you ever start threads pussy?

Or do you feel more comfortable in the background waiting for a moment of security to express your dribble?

Hiding behind lofty pricktard statements of self-imposed superiority is getting old.

  • DSK
  • 12-18-2015, 03:14 PM
"robbed" of what? His ACA grant was a tax be paid back this next year.

He won't be beaten by any Muslims as long as he avoids the swishy walk. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Once they find out how broke he is, they can double the beating.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How much do you think it will cost her for a pardon from Husein? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
she'll have to kiss his starfish and lick moochelle's nasty beaver.

I think the FBI director is a stand up guy. I do not think BHO will be able to change his mind Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
not only that, but Hussein can't stop the FBI from bringing charges. what's he gonna do? tell the DOJ not to prosecute? the FBI can charge her and bring her to federal trial no matter what the DOJ does. Fire the Director of the FBI? yeah that'll look good!

The real question is.....what is the country going to do when ole Hidebeast pulls a William Henry Harrison and strokes out about two weeks into her first term.

If I really wanted to be President, I would do every thing possible to be her Vice President.

Trumps right. That bitch has some serious mental health issues. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Do you ever start threads pussy?

Or do you feel more comfortable laying on your back waiting for a moment of insecurity to expel your dribble?

Hiding behind lofty pricktard statements of self-imposed superiority is getting old.

Originally Posted by Muscleup
bambino's Avatar
Do you ever start threads pussy?

Or do you feel more comfortable in the background waiting for a moment of security to express your dribble?

Hiding behind lofty pricktard statements of self-imposed superiority is getting old.

Originally Posted by Muscleup
No, he doesn't. Because he's a stupid, lazy, dirty pig. He just wallows around in the mud. Asswipe Ziffle, dirty, stupid, lazy pig brother of Arnold Ziffle.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, he doesn't. Because he's a stupid, lazy, dirty pig. He just wallows around in the mud. Asswipe Ziffle, dirty, stupid, lazy pig brother of Arnold Ziffle. Originally Posted by bambino
bambino's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, that's his famous pig brother Arnold Ziffle. This is Aswipe Ziffle, a pig in a yarmulke;

Wooooo pig soooie!!!!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There are probably about 10-20 people who regularly read and post here. No one gives a fuck what is said here.

I hope you get robbed and beaten by a refugee/illegal immigrant tonight on 6th street. Originally Posted by DSK
Thanks for the kind words, JL.

I don't hang out on 6th street. Could you say the same about Harry Hines?
LexusLover's Avatar
....but Hussein can't stop the FBI from bringing charges. what's he gonna do? tell the DOJ not to prosecute? the FBI can charge her and bring her to federal trial no matter what the DOJ does. Fire the Director of the FBI? yeah that'll look good! [/B] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The current director has already parted with Obaminable on Obaminable's bullshit regarding LE in this country. There already is low enough credibility on Obaminable to cause him pause to dismiss the the director.

Unfortunately, when the current AG was recommended I was basing my opinion on her years as a Federal prosecutor in New York, her support for LE, and her seemingly fair and open attitude in "prosecutorial discretion." It is emerging that she is now merely a "yes person" like Holder was. She's bought and paid for by the "honor" of being the first Black Female AG, which makes her a "hooker."

And if she wants to prosecute me for calling her a "hooker" all I can say to the First Black Female AG ... "take a shot!"
The current director has already parted with Obaminable on Obaminable's bullshit regarding LE in this country. There already is low enough credibility on Obaminable to cause him pause to dismiss the the director.

Unfortunately, when the current AG was recommended I was basing my opinion on her years as a Federal prosecutor in New York, her support for LE, and her seemingly fair and open attitude in "prosecutorial discretion." It is emerging that she is now merely a "yes person" like Holder was. She's bought and paid for by the "honor" of being the first Black Female AG, which makes her a "hooker."

And if she wants to prosecute me for calling her a "hooker" all I can say to the First Black Female AG ... "take a shot!" Originally Posted by LexusLover
When she was being held up in the Senate, and the main stream media was simply appalled by the snubbing of this extremely qualified Black Lady, some sane people warned that the only difference between her and Holder was gender.

For all the dipshit Republican Senators that caved in, ......Fuck You
LexusLover's Avatar
.... the main stream media was simply appalled by the snubbing of this extremely qualified Black Lady, .... Originally Posted by Jackie S
.. and they are "simply appalled" by the treatment of 3/4's of this country ..

.. afforded "this extremely qualified" (sarcasm alert!) Black "Man" in the WH!!

That's what voters get when they are racially motivated when voting!

Affirmative Action Products!

They got the "First Black President of the United States"!!! That worked out well didn't it?

Now the same crowd wants the "First Female President of the United States"!!!!

(Or do they secretly want the WIFE OF BILL CLINTON?)
  • DSK
  • 12-19-2015, 02:25 PM
.. and they are "simply appalled" by the treatment of 3/4's of this country ..

.. afforded "this extremely qualified" (sarcasm alert!) Black "Man" in the WH!!

That's what voters get when they are racially motivated when voting!

Affirmative Action Products!

They got the "First Black President of the United States"!!! That worked out well didn't it?

Now the same crowd wants the "First Female President of the United States"!!!!

(Or do they secretly want the WIFE OF BILL CLINTON?) Originally Posted by LexusLover
I think most voters need to realize they are in over their heads and not vote.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think most voters need to realize they are in over their heads and not vote. Originally Posted by DSK
that's why many of them vote ... they ARE IN OVER THEIR HEADS ...

... and want more free stuff...... aka "personal bailouts"!