Is it a slur? What are your thoughts?

Chung Tran's Avatar
I really prefer to use this word:

this allows me to be insulting and "learned" simultaneously
Good response by many, but another issue is that most people don't accept that we all have an addiction in some form or another which many of us don't want to admit for obvious reasons. I have been married for 26 years to a former California beauty pageant model, but after a bout of depression and a 2nd pregnancy my wife gained nearly 100lbs and I don't find her physically and sexually attractive to get my rocks off- I feel bad that I hobby for this reason, but I accept the fact that I have a problem.
I know a lot of ladies and guys don't want to admit they have a problem so they get offended if they are called a hooker or a trick. Let's be real- there's no high school girl right now who says- "yeah when I finish high school I want to be a little whore... and there's no high school male that says..."yeah soon as I graduate I want to make up some alias name and join a hooker board and pay for sex..."
I don't mind if someone calls me a trick or a John because that's basically what I am- I
accepted I have some underlying problems which makes me able to accept what I do without any repercussions.
Good response by many, but another issue is that most people don't accept that we all have an addiction in some form or another which many of us don't want to admit for obvious reasons. I have been married for 26 years to a former California beauty pageant model, but after a bout of depression and a 2nd pregnancy my wife gained nearly 100lbs and I don't find her physically and sexually attractive to get mr rocks off- I feel bad that I hobby for this reason, but I accept the fact that I have a problem.
I know a lot of ladies and guys don't want to admit they have a problem so they get offended if they are called a hooker or a trick. Let's be real- there's no high school girl right now who says- "yeah when I finish high school I want to be a little whore... and there's no high school male that says..."yeah soon as I graduate I want to make up some alias name and join a hooker board and pay for sex..."
I don't mind if someone calls me a trick or a John because that's basically what I am- I
accepted I have some underlying problems which makes me able to accept what I do without any repercussions. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
+1, I guess the issue is the individual though. You have logic based and emotion based beings, emotional beings don't view the world the same way as logical beings. I'll just leave it at that, lmao!
That was really insightful Luke, Elisabeth too. I'm loving the discussion
Like when I joke with Kendall or THN, YOU'RE A DIRTY LIL WHORE. ;-). Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Imma WHORE!!! Hahahahahhahah

Just like everyone else on the face of the earth.

Hey, dress it up all you like. We all take it in the ass for someone or something.

And that's, okay.
I'm not fond of the word "hooker."

I don't like the term, or the word "whore" being used, either. But I'm older and well, I'll admit that I'm probably not in the majority.

A LOT of my younger working sisters in this business use the term "whore" or "hooker" to describe themselves and feel it's a term of empowerment. And more power to them for believing that.

For me, it's derogatory. And I hear it being used in a negative tone. By the media. Others. I don't see it as being an empowering word. I see it as a negative.

Lenny Bruce was the first one that I heard, in a skit of his (on film) about a word losing the word's potency if used continuously. He used the word, for his example, as "nigger." I'm too lazy to find it for everyone to see but it's wonderful.

However, that was many decades ago and his philosophy was just wrong, although clever in its presentation.

Using the term frequently, and with an offhand stance, doesn't make the word lose the initial meaning. That takes more than 4 or 5 decades, and possibly will not happen at all.

But heck, I could be incorrect. Etymology is a difficult topic and one that is full of ebbing and flowing. Once again, I DO doubt that in the future (near or otherwise) the word hooker will mean something, to most people, as a positive. In ANY verbiage being used.

For me, those words are debasing.

And in this world, where SO MUCH debasing takes place just when giving a blowjob for many (and NO, I do not see giving oral sex as debasing. I LIKE it and do many here. MANY people, male and female, find oral sex to be a debasing activity, for some reason. It's a common thought), I don't see why adding another word to the everyday litany of words to be used while participating in this world is necessary.

Lose the term "hooker" from the verbal and written vocabulary except, as needed, a passing reference. That works for me.

And since I'm writing a novelette right now, let me add another thought or three. I've referred to myself as a hooker before. So sometimes, I'll admit to being a hypocrite.

However, I don't like the term when someone is referring to me as a sex worker. I prefer companion. Or being just called Elisabeth, without a descriptor. OR a sex worker, which is probably my preferred term, but I like it and it's accurate.

Interesting topic. Thanks for reading my long-winded response!

Happy holidays, everyone!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
you make some good points, but again you are playing into the "political correctness" bullcrap. I remember years ago at one of my jobs- the boss decided that we are no longer going to use the word "janitor" they are to be called "industrial cleaners" because it's more of a "respectful" term.
I have also heard people that say don't call him or her a "weatherman" call them a meteorologist. Come on people let's cut the bullshit- providers are hookers and hobbyist are Johns- if it makes you feel better or more rewarding to call yourself a provider and a hobbyist so be it- but in the eyes of the law and society we are all hookers and Johns. If any provider thinks that if they applied for a job or met a man that was never in the hobby and you told him that you sold pussy for a living- if you think he is going to distinguish a hooker from a provider you are sadly mistaken.
...And that's, okay. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Because I'm good enough, smart enough and, doggone it, people like me.

Could be worse...they could call you "Christians".
Stuart Smalley killed me, I love it lol
TexTushHog's Avatar
I avoid the word "hooker" or "whore" with one exception. I will occasionally call this place a "silly whore board". I can't remember which gal first called it that -- semi derisively -- but I think ti accurately captures the spirit of the place and it lack of importance in the grand scheme of things. (indeed, I think it may have been ASPD that was first dubbed a "silly whore board," which should give you an idea how old the term is.)

Otherwise, I think it's fair to say that both terms have negative connotations, especially "whore," but as with the "n-word," you see those who are the object of such derogatory comments reclaiming the word and using it for empowerment. Which is all well and good. But I'm not a member of the oppressed group, so I don't use it in that manner. I think the phrase "silly whore board" got use widely enough that most women here understand that use of the word is specific to that phrase and is somewhat ironic and also somewhat mocking.

First use that I can find is in Feb. 2010:

Search was done using Google. For some reasons, I can't use EECIE search.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I am an escort and not ashamed
mtabsw's Avatar
I like using the term "Colleague" - although not in the sarcastic congressional way "My esteemed colleague" I hear on C-Span....
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I only have one word to describe them: women.

The best thing God has ever created. Only God could have created such a ominous thing as women. He realized he fucked up after creating men, so he created women, or should we call it men 2.0.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Only God could have created such a ominous thing as women. He realized he fucked up after creating men, so he created women, or should we call it men 2.0. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker