I miss the GOOD OLD DAYS, too...Like when I used to could fill my Yamaha Mini Enduro or my Yamaha YZ80 up for 36 cents a gallon...Shit, those were the good times!
Now, I miss the good old days when the OP used to write 'Begging, help me out' threads or 'I'm leaving, moving soon' marketing threads every 4-6 months!
The good old days, puhleeze!...I am a person who believes in 'Fair Play', none of this 'Broes before Hoes' or 'Hoes before Broes' crap...There is more Ladies standing up for what is Right and giving 'straight between the eyes' input on various persons and subject matters and I love it!
The Queen Bees, though they don't really try to act like one, such as Kendall4U, Laura Lynn, Jules, SweetTits69, thn, NinaDickNapper, etc..., are bringing it with the straight forward TRUTH, no matter which team you play for...I rarely gush openly about some of you ladies, but I remember the good ole Wild West ASPD days when everything was Guys vs Gals and it sucked!! Now there are fewer Tara Evans types, drama queens, rude butch acted bitches and more ladies with outstanding intellect and sense of 'what's right is right' involvement who speak their minds candidly and intellectually...What a turn on to me!
There, that's my pussy-whipped, ass kissing post for this century!