Sit and Look Pretty Only?

Ms. Elena it would be a pleasure to visit with you the next time you make it into Dallas, please let me know when you'll be here.

Big Mike, I don't know where you found the avatar of the wet pussy... but I *love* it. That is the cutest cat photo I've ever seen... and I'm a frequent visitor to Thanks for the smile.
Gryphon's Avatar
I’m not a paid consultant, I am a paid companion. However, with that being said I will add that I do have a number of friends who visit with me because not only do they find me attractive I am also capable of entertaining them on a level that goes beyond the purely physical. A providers charm and conversation isn’t just small talk, it’s part of the whole experience. Originally Posted by wynterstark
I couldn't agree more. I've booked with providers who titillated me with their ASPD posts that I wouldn't otherwise have seen. I've never been sorry for doing so.
Elena, personally, I like it when you are both seen and heard (moaning) . . .


- Jackie
Adrielle's Avatar
Elena, personally, I like it when you are both seen and heard (moaning) . . .


- Jackie Originally Posted by jackie@sintropolis
Oh goodness, I'll be having nice dreams tonight...

Needless to say, I think these discussion forums are great. I tend to be more interested in just reading rather than jumping in myself, as I have pretty strong opinions sometimes. I'm happy that most of the gents on this board can appreciate a beautiful AND intelligent woman like Elena.
IMHO, the thing that differentiated ASPD from other boards was the ability to have discussions with providers...less of a sausage fest. I am optimistic that that spirit will carry forward to this board. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
Old timers will remember Susan's boards. The ladies were always encouraged to speak out. That is an important part of getting to know who and what it is all about and helping each other in many different ways.

The brain is the largest sex organ!

And a smart woman is a prize, eyes are the second key, the body is a distant 3rd third in my books. Let the ladies speak!

Infact that is why I made a comment about ISOs in Co-Ed. I think it keeps the ladies off balance to even go into the room, so it would shift them to the sandbox. I like the co-ed effect in here. On several of the topics, a woman's point of view is important as well.
It would be a pretty boring board indeed if no providers got involved in any of the discussion threads. I enjoy reading MsElenas comments and Jackies too. I wish more providers would post, I haven't been much lately, hopefully in the future I can remedy that.
It would be a pretty boring board indeed if no providers got involved in any of the discussion threads. I enjoy reading MsElenas comments and Jackies too. I wish more providers would post, I haven't been much lately, hopefully in the future I can remedy that. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
...was the first to suggest ASPD as a resource. This was more than 5 years ago if I remember correctly. She is in Arizona now but has been back a few times. Not many ladies posted in the KC forum of ASPD for a long time. After Susan's Yahoo groups went down a couple of times, and she created a couple of privates which didn't last long - I think moderator and hackers were part of the problem - she joined in. Female leadership is important for the ladies to be comfortable in my opinion and management is critical. Eccie has a pretty wide open management style and Jackie and Elena have provided some real leadership, responding with threads and posts both. I do miss a Texas lady who posted in ASPD for a long time. Fond memories of Carlie. Not sure where she is.....the Core was incredible....
midwestmonique's Avatar
I put in my two cents on ASPD a few times that some didn't appreciate and they told me all about it. People tell you to speak your mind and then you get yelled at. I guess you can't please everyone Elena!!
dirty dog's Avatar
"I put in my two cents on ASPD a few times that some didn't appreciate and they told me all about it. People tell you to speak your mind and then you get yelled at. I guess you can't please everyone Elena!!"

OH SHUT UP and sit there looking hot..... LOL just playing I cant speak for everyone but I appreciate female interaction in these discussions and encourage all of you to do so.