Lays Down & Looks Dirty LOL...Seriously: What's Your Super Bowl Pick

dirty dog's Avatar
Ladies, I am willing to engage in some gambiling on the game if your interested. If the Colts win, you can sit on my face, if NO wins you can sit on my face. If interested let me know LOL
Official call seems to be NO by 4....

And I did pick up some Nascar odds the other day......
dirty dog's Avatar
I sure hope that nascar gets back to is southern roots, would love to see a fist fight now and then.
Peyton is great but NO has a more balanced offense because they have a better running game. NO also has a very opportunistic D. Freeny will not be playing according to Adam Schecter because of a torn tendon in his foot/ankle. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Heard this (Friday) morning. Freeney will be "testing" his ankle today in Colts' practice. I think he will play regardless of how it tests out - it may be limited to 20 or 30 plays, but he will play - he can take all offseason to heal. And the latest line is Colts by 4 - over/under is 56 points.
KCBMW's Avatar
  • 02-05-2010, 05:11 AM
I have to go with the colts because of Peyton and the fact that Saints got very lucky against Green Bay.
demont's Avatar
I dont care what anyone says... I am still takin the steelers by 21......
growler's Avatar
I dont care what anyone says... I am still takin the steelers by 21...... Originally Posted by demont
LMAF..where the terrible towels, only if......
I am going to make a guess that Freeney will NOT be playing, and if he does it will not be for very long at all during the game. Was watching espn last night where he was talking about getting out of bed each day taking a few steps to test it out. I really don't think it's all that good, not much progress. You can see the look in his eyes when they keep interviewing him. I just honestly think he will NOT be playing in the Super Bowl. Wow, that will hurt the Colts big time!!!
Omahan's Avatar
Rush Limbaugh says the Saints. Ken Hutcherson says the Colts.
Football, Politics & Religion LOL.....
Bill Maher said "The Democrats have moved to the right, and the Right has moved into a mental hospital." LOL
Thought that was funny! I chose to be Independent because I just can't really decide which side is best (D) Douche Bag OR (R) Shit Sandwich LMAO
Omahan's Avatar
Football, Politics & Religion LOL.....
Bill Maher said "The Democrats have moved to the right, and the Right has moved into a mental hospital." LOL
Thought that was funny! I chose to be Independent because I just can't really decide which side is best (D) Douche Bag OR (R) Shit Sandwich LMAO Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth
BF, just because we allow political discussion doesn't mean we allow insults. Your joke just attacked the majority of our membership - besides being off topic and adding nothing to the discussion.
Yes I would agree the majority of the USA is not of the Independent party. BTW it was not intended an insult but as a goofy was a quote from a man, and the other was a quote from a South Park episode. No malice intended except to make people think for themselves, and to laugh a little if even at their own political party since no matter what side you are on we can all agree the US is in the shitter. If one can truly have an open mind, then they are able to laugh at even themselves. To me, and I am a little off today so apologies if I am wrong here & did indeed insult anyone or more, it just seemed as if it was a little dig using politics and religion regarding a sport's thread about football, a game that everyone can love. Not everyone loves politics and religion in the same way that Americans can love the good old game of football. Kind of like "Separation of Church & State", there also should be "Separation of Football & Politics/Religion". LOL
No offense taken here, just all in good fun. I really hope the Aints win, but it will be difficult to stop Manning. I say Steelers by a touchdown.
Actually, I think the douche bag and the shit sandwich are probably more insulted...

Line is now Colts by 5 - ESPN's Hank Goldberg stated on Friday that the line will probably stay at 5 because Vegas books are saying the "amateur" betters keep putting money on the Colts to move the line up, but when that happens the "wise guys" put the money on the Saints to bring the line back down. This plays into the theory of the pointspread being set not to show who is favored but to bring equal money bet on both teams so the bookies will make money from the "vig".
That damn points spread irritates me. The only thing that really matters in a game is who Wins & who loses lol. The only one it benefits is the bookie so he never loses any money, understandable lol. Man I wish that was a legal job here. Just seems like it would be a super fun job taking sports bets for people all the time!!!