There are some very mature 21 year olds trust me. You just need to keep looking. Try sending email first to see how she responds. You can find out a lot by how a person writes. Originally Posted by Naomi4uCompletely agree! I'm 23 and the majority of my gents comment on how I act. I had one a few weeks ago say "Now don't take this the wrong way... but if you hadn't told me you were only 23 I would have thought you were around 30!" It caught me off guard, but when he clarified he meant my personality and not my looks, I was flattered.
But I know mature 22 year olds that have jobs, have finished college, pay their bills on time and very rarely go out and party. And I know immature 30 year olds that live with their parents and have no life goals (unfortunately I dated them... worst idea ever!). While I will agree that the likelyhood of running across an immature provider increases the younger that they are, there are always exceptions. If she presents herself in a mature manner, such as having good reviews, being known for reliability, or little things such as not typing in "text speak" and having few to none grammar/spelling errors in messages, I'd say give her a chance.