Another provider and I were getting ready for a double one day and I was yapping about my streak of less than awesome appts lately and having to push thru with my game face. I was thinking maybe our appt that day would fall into the same pattern.
There was a knock at the door and I jokingly said, "brace yourself, girl. We might be earning our money today."
I definitely should have braced myself better because the guy on the other side of the door was so hott I almost fell over. Needless to say the streak was broken.Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I'll never forget the disappointment on your face when you realized I had told you "I like Steely Dan", and not "I have a Steely Dan".I was already so lit up on the goose you brought I don't think it mattered.
Thank you for your courage.
Originally Posted by TinMan
I thought you were discreet why are you sharing our story Originally Posted by BoltfanIt wasn't just you Boltfan, there were a lot of bad appts in a row.
I don't know why the guys don't give a little info on who/what they are in their profile page...we want to know every little thing about the ladies looks because we are paying and we are men!At least you're SKINNY, lol Us poor FOBU guys will really have it tough.
I will always be an old ugly skinny white guy. Can't change my face, age or race and I'm damn sure not going to change my weight.
Less drama and more hot moms that are ok with that. Maybe I should start a old ugly skinny white guy threat. Why won't you see OUSWGs? Originally Posted by Tsmokies
What makes it a bad appointment? Hygiene issue or a fat boy when you opened the door? lol Originally Posted by biglatinmaleThe sessions I consider bad are the ones that the guy can't relax, can't hold a convo, gets lost in his guilt. Doesn't happen often, but when it does, ugh! I can handle a fluffy guy, that doesn't equate to a bad session. Bad hygiene, now that's an entirely different story. Have had two clients in 4 years that I had to ask to shower. Fortunately, they agreed and things worked out.
The sessions I consider bad are the ones that the guy can't relax, can't hold a convo, gets lost in his guilt. Doesn't happen often, but when it does, ugh! I can handle a fluffy guy, that doesn't equate to a bad session. Bad hygiene, now that's an entirely different story. Have had two clients in 4 years that I had to ask to shower. Fortunately, they agreed and things worked out. Originally Posted by Kendall4UDamn, it seems like common sense for a guy (or gal) to shower up before an appointment or ask to shower when he/she gets there just in case. I find it hard to believe anyone would be unaware they needed one. If they wanted to go forward even though they weren't on point, that's just mean and wrong.
Damn, it seems like common sense for a guy (or gal) to shower up before an appointment or ask to shower when he/she gets there just in case. I find it hard to believe anyone would be unaware they needed one. If they wanted to go forward even though they weren't on point, that's just mean and wrong. Originally Posted by DarkeyKongOne would think DK. Some guys think since they are paying they can show up with a smelly ass and the provider should still show them an helluva time.