Screening; Personal Life vs. Hobbying

morefunat38's Avatar
Don't put up with the assholes in your professional or personal life, to many good people out there.
pmdelites's Avatar
Well thank you. I am truely hoping that everyone understands the sincerity of my thread, and does not think it is a "look at me" post. I really have learned this lesson. & I bet I am not the only one who finds themselves in this bind. You so sweet! thank you

Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot

in the "Provider postings-carefully used marketing tool? or just making conversation?" thread, i wrote " just about anything they post can be construed to be advertising, if not publicizing, explicit or implict." [they = the women who post on eccie]

in this case, i would be really hard pressed to consider your thoughts on this thread as advertising.

i read it as an you having an epiphany - perceiving or gaining insight into the essential meaning of something that probably came about because of some simple or not so simple experience you had that finally tipped the scales.

i am glad that you gained that insight or realized that whatever you've been doing wasnt working for you. i really liked your phrase
.... "If you hang with dogs, you get fleas".
and liked that you realized that if you want joy and happiness in your life you either need to hang with flea-less dogs or with some other kind of people.

who we hang with [as well as where we hang and how we hang] affects our psyche, our behavior, our likes & dislikes.

more empowerment to you and to all reading this!!

kisses to you wherever you want them!!!

see my sigline for more.
dogsmack's Avatar
Hey Brooke, I'm usually not into the "rant postings", but I just gotta say how dead on you are with this one. Way to go darlin'
plus you have a really nice tush
Well thank you. I am truely hoping that everyone understands the sincerity of my thread, and does not think it is a "look at me" post. I really have learned this lesson. & I bet I am not the only one who finds themselves in this bind. You so sweet! thank you

Brookie Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Hi brooke. U deserve the best. Hugs, more hugs and a shoulder to lean on when needed.
Well thank you. I am truely hoping that everyone understands the sincerity of my thread, and does not think it is a "look at me" post. I really have learned this lesson. & I bet I am not the only one who finds themselves in this bind. You so sweet! thank you

Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot

I know you and I have had our minor differences, and I used to judge you quite harshly on a few things. This thread, I believe, has helped me see you in a much different light. You seem to have made some wonderful changes in yourself and your life, and if you are capable and willing to change, then I should be, too. This thread has really inspired me, and made me think, and I thank you for it.

I was wrong to judge you and I'm sorry for it. I hope you can forgive me for that and perhaps we can start fresh. I think I would really like the chance to get to know this new Brooke I'm seeing.
FishGuy13's Avatar

in this case, i would be really hard pressed to consider your thoughts on this thread as advertising.

i read it as an you having an epiphany - perceiving or gaining insight into the essential meaning of something that probably came about because of some simple or not so simple experience you had that finally tipped the scales.

i am glad that you gained that insight or realized that whatever you've been doing wasnt working for you. i really liked your phrase
.... "If you hang with dogs, you get fleas".\
see my sigline for more. Originally Posted by pmdelites
I'd agree & know first hand real personal change is hard, best of luck to you.

Hi brooke. U deserve the best. Hugs, more hugs and a shoulder to lean on when needed. Originally Posted by Carguy111
I have yet to have the pleasure of getting to see you get, but {{HUGS}} from me too and a shoulder to lean on when-ever needed or wanted.
Part of me understands and agrees with keeping your personal life to you, and part of me is just a guy from a small town that does not understand all the security issues and things you ladies go through and want to be more than just a customer. In the end, I respect boundries.
traci thank you. I had no idea we had any issues. I am sorry if I ever caused you to think badly of me. I have not mentioned a bad word about you

I have grown up alot... and I have realized how to express myself in a more efficient way. I learned how to show people who I am and what I believe in, in a way where people can understand it. I am not perfect, nobody is. But i do know that my time is valuable and so is yours.... I hope that we all can one day realize how much our time is worth, and never sell it short. I am here if you need me and that goes for anybody who replied or wanted to. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a little better. I promise I will keep suprising you if you let me

Maxxi Roxx's Avatar

I have been blessed to have a great hobby experience that is full of amazing men and women who have respected me and always left me with my head held high.

I have always screened my clients and demanded the utmost respect from my clients on the phone and in emails. I do read posts they have made, to verify they respect women and try to get a better feel of their personality, and check all the websites that help keep us stay safe. If I receive a text or an email with vulgar content and does not have the ediquitte of a man I would want to see...I end it right then and there.I try to find out enough information and background on the client to have enough of information in case something where to go wrong, I would not be stranded. I do not like when men ask to many questions that could of been answered if they did a little research, when they act as if their above me and I should feel honored they called me. If I feel any bad feeling inside, I do not go forward and nicely decline. In my mind, "My time is valuable, people give a lot of energy on getting to know me prior to appt. request, and if I am not connecting with them I do not want to half ass it, leaving him with the "Half-heartedly Brookie" and an experience not worth remembering. I do not waste their time or mine... and by doing all the above I have remained to stay safe... and enjoy all my session thus far.

ON the other hand... in my personal life I do not have such luck.
I have once heard, "Luck is preparation meeting opportunity."

In my personal life, I have been stolen from, lied to, verbally abused, stood up, used, stranded at bars, cheated on,disrespected through texts, not checked up on, alone at the hospital, and the girl who is always there for people, when their no where to be found when they are needed. WHy? Well I figured out that " If you hang with dogs, you get fleas". Hell, my clients have to basically pass a criminal back ground check, a pass numerous refrence checks, and respect me the way I feel I should be. Not to mention our own little screening habits. In real life, I would just allow whoever over with my "friends", I would give random people my number, allow my ex or guys to disrespect me through texts and IM's by talking dirty or asking for naked pics (that would result in me hanging up on clients) and I hang out with people I thought I trusted (after knowing them couple weeks) and let them in my home, car, or around valuable things... and I wonder why they end up shitted on??? CAUSE I ALLOW IT!! Not anymore though. Im not going to get respected at work... then degraded at home..

I am going to respect *******(real name) just as much as I do Brooke, because in the end... they are both worth just as much!!! MY Time.. Money, Respect, or Appreciation should equally the same !!

SO make sure you screen your personal life just as much as the hobby, and always respect the value of your time! It is not fair to our clients who give us so much, only after they pass our screening, and then allow a friend of a friend have the opportunity to piss on you ... steal from you.. or hurt you with knowing nothing about them!! PLUS their is not alert or review section you can post to alert people or maybe get him caught!

mikahranae's Avatar
Great thread. Knowing one's self worth is the first step in finding true happiness.
Guest021213's Avatar
I just read this post and shocked me because I was hearing your heart speaking ... each ones life in here and out there is important and we should treat others as we want ourselves to be treated ... with respect, with dignity with honor and with love ...
Since I met you at a private party, I enjoyed conversing with you and listened carefully everything you said to me ... you have the gift of opening your heart adn I respect you for that ...
I can hear not only Brookie speaking, but the voice of many ladies speaking here through her voice ...
I guess I am going to respect you all more, even more from this day on ... I've been also disrespected and let down and I know the feeling ...
Stand up and keep walking babe ...

mods, I know I bumped the thread but I considered important what everyone has said so I just posted instead of starting a new one ...


I'm glad for you that you've come to this realization and hopefully you will be happier from it. Isn't it a shame that in real life we are often attracted to others that for a multitude of reasons are not always the best for us!!! I, like most here probably, have made this mistake more than once.

The only thing I would add is not to forget that life lessons are a process. Keep looking at yourself and your life and always be ready to make a change. As MJ so aptly said, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways".
I have been blessed to have a great hobby experience that is full of amazing men and women who have respected me and always left me with my head held high.

I have always screened my clients and demanded the utmost respect from my clients on the phone and in emails. I do read posts they have made, to verify they respect women and try to get a better feel of their personality, and check all the websites that help keep us stay safe. If I receive a text or an email with vulgar content and does not have the ediquitte of a man I would want to see...I end it right then and there.I try to find out enough information and background on the client to have enough of information in case something where to go wrong, I would not be stranded. I do not like when men ask to many questions that could of been answered if they did a little research, when they act as if their above me and I should feel honored they called me. If I feel any bad feeling inside, I do not go forward and nicely decline. In my mind, "My time is valuable, people give a lot of energy on getting to know me prior to appt. request, and if I am not connecting with them I do not want to half ass it, leaving him with the "Half-heartedly Brookie" and an experience not worth remembering. I do not waste their time or mine... and by doing all the above I have remained to stay safe... and enjoy all my session thus far.

ON the other hand... in my personal life I do not have such luck.

I have once heard, "Luck is preparation meeting opportunity."

In my personal life, I have been stolen from, lied to, verbally abused, stood up, used, stranded at bars, cheated on,disrespected through texts, not checked up on, alone at the hospital, and the girl who is always there for people, when their no where to be found when they are needed. WHy? Well I figured out that " If you hang with dogs, you get fleas". Hell, my clients have to basically pass a criminal back ground check, a pass numerous refrence checks, and respect me the way I feel I should be. Not to mention our own little screening habits. In real life, I would just allow whoever over with my "friends", I would give random people my number, allow my ex or guys to disrespect me through texts and IM's by talking dirty or asking for naked pics (that would result in me hanging up on clients) and I hang out with people I thought I trusted (after knowing them couple weeks) and let them in my home, car, or around valuable things... and I wonder why they end up shitted on??? CAUSE I ALLOW IT!! Not anymore though. Im not going to get respected at work... then degraded at home..

I am going to respect *******(real name) just as much as I do Brooke, because in the end... they are both worth just as much!!! MY Time.. Money, Respect, or Appreciation should equally the same !!

SO make sure you screen your personal life just as much as the hobby, and always respect the value of your time! It is not fair to our clients who give us so much, only after they pass our screening, and then allow a friend of a friend have the opportunity to piss on you ... steal from you.. or hurt you with knowing nothing about them!! PLUS their is not alert or review section you can post to alert people or maybe get him caught!

Stay safe, and love yourself!! Both of yourselves!!


Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot

This is one of the best posts I have ever seen, hands down.
Girl, now that you have figured it out, there is no going back. Look for the same caliber of man in your personal life as you do in your business one....and treat him the same way you do your clients. Listen to him, make him feel ten feet tall and bullet proof, suck his dick, fuck him well and keep him in line.

Take no prisioners, take no shit and make it mad love all the way around.
Remember: it takes one hell of a man to replace no man at all. Go Girl. Play safe. xoxoClair