Never been on the streets, do you have proof please let me know, im interested.
And I'm being rude cause you making false accusations is rude and I'm tired of it. I've not responded to anything you've said, I've kept quite, trying to not be bothered or bother anyone else and you have to be a jerk, for what, what's the purpose???
I'm starting to think you have a crush and just don't want to admit it. ((Haha, ewww no I'm good))...
You got no where when you came to kc and started on those girls and all the guys told you off, no body thought your shit was cute or funny, but here you have your Lil but buddy's and they encourage the shit. Ridiculous grow the fuck up, be a man . leave me the fuck alone and I will you, tired of it, done with it, and these fucking mods need to grow a pair and do there job and enforce the guidelines.
If I remember correctly here's some of you and SLs fanatic's in kc and why he was banned and if you wouldn't have left the kc board or was more respectful you would have been next... Your and your butt buddy's pull here can only get you so far.