no AA at acedmy awards

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Writers, screen-writers, producers, directors and casting directors, draw from their own experiences and knowledge.
Until more people of color assume these positions, caucasians will dominate the oscars.
Just because a black person gives a good performance in... a Rocky spinoff, its still a Rocky spinoff. Originally Posted by @rlo726
that was my point
the pool of AA to draw from to nominate was too small, many more nonAA to choose fropm
1 aa to 10 non AA ...what are the chances an AA gets picked?m etc

The director of the Oscars is black as well. just saying. I don't get it.
trip mcneely's Avatar
When the BET awards come around whites should protest and boycott because the lack of white talent nominated!
  • DSK
  • 01-20-2016, 06:34 PM
Was there any Asian ? Seriously though. People just need to look past the color thing.
If you aren't good enough to be nominated then so be it.
I'm Asian, lived here most of my live and if anything I see more reversed racism.
IMO the people who often pull the race cards are racists. Originally Posted by KCAsianDude
I agree with you completely.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
IMO the people who often pull the race cards are racists. Originally Posted by KCAsianDude
are you being honest? IMHO
you personally feel this way?

yeah, well to be honest, I personally feel that Spike/etc not coming for lack of black nominations are just stupid, they don't understand math and are also racist
dumb racists, no doubt

Clayton Bigsby?
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
When the BET awards come around whites should protest and boycott because the lack of white talent nominated! Originally Posted by trip mcneely
They're too busy working to have time for Outrage Inc.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
When the BET awards come around whites should protest and boycott because the lack of white talent nominated! Originally Posted by trip mcneely
The only thing about this comment is that over the last couple years more white artists have won BET awards than black artists winning Oscars.

I will say that the winners of the Academy Awards genuinely shows bias if you look at the numbers of winners versus the population of the United States. The thing is that black artists tend to win nearly an equivalent amount as the percentage of US population where Asians, Latin Americans, and Native Americans is pretty pathetic and almost non-existent.

So the issue isnt that the awards arent black enough since it is pretty close over a 10 year period or so, but that it is overly white.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 01-31-2016, 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Irish aren't offended because they're too drunk to notice!

Reminds me of a joke, "What's the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish funeral? One less drunk at the funeral."

As far as the Oscars go. Never watch it. Could care less about who gets nominated much less who wins. Just a show for celebrities who need their egos stroked.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I Could care less about who gets nominated much less who wins.. Originally Posted by KCJoe
so you do care?

see, I couldn't care less...
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
The only thing about this comment is that over the last couple years more white artists have won BET awards than black artists winning Oscars.

I will say that the winners of the Academy Awards genuinely shows bias if you look at the numbers of winners versus the population of the United States. The thing is that black artists tend to win nearly an equivalent amount as the percentage of US population where Asians, Latin Americans, and Native Americans is pretty pathetic and almost non-existent.

So the issue isnt that the awards arent black enough since it is pretty close over a 10 year period or so, but that it is overly white. Originally Posted by bigryan2222
not really
13%of the usa is black
what percent of actors are black in movies? 11%?

so why would there be an equal number of white and black winners at the AA?
that's like asking
why arent there as many black doctors as white doctors?
not really
13%of the usa is black
what percent of actors are black in movies? 11%?

so why would there be an equal number of white and black winners at the AA?
that's like asking
why arent there as many black doctors as white doctors? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Haha, you clearly jumped to a conclusion without reading my entire post. Read it again and respond again. Its not a long post, you can do it.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Haha, you clearly jumped to a conclusion without reading my entire post. Read it again and respond again. Its not a long post, you can do it. Originally Posted by bigryan2222
so we are both in agreement?

that what I thought...but by the time I reached that conclusion, I was done with my post, so I just made it...
I liked the site that also agrees with the post

but again, people. (spike lee/jada smith) are upset about numbers....that's not something that can be changed...or how do you change it?
see that's a problem, those people are complaining, but how do you fix what they are complaining about?
made more madea movies?
JRLawrence's Avatar
not really
13%of the usa is black
what percent of actors are black in movies? 11%?

so why would there be an equal number of white and black winners at the AA?
that's like asking
why arent there as many black doctors as white doctors? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Because the other 2% of the blacks are in jail.

There aren't as many black doctors as white doctors because few blacks take the science courses require for entry into medical school, or the ability to pass the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). Almost all U.S. Medical Schools and many of the Canadian Medical Schools require one to submit a MCAT exam score as part of the admission application.

Hey bigcockpussylicker. your logic is bogus!

A2theb2thec's Avatar
Because the other 2% of the blacks are in jail.

There aren't as many black doctors as white doctors because few blacks take the science courses require for entry into medical school, or the ability to pass the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). Almost all U.S. Medical Schools and many of the Canadian Medical Schools require one to submit a MCAT exam score as part of the admission application.

Hey bigcockpussylicker. your logic is bogus!

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Are u calling all of his logic bogus? Or this particular piece? His logic isn't wrong. Sorry to disappoint. His facts may be wrong but I don't see how his reasoning based on possibly ludicrous facts could not lead him to the conclusion he has smuggly came up with. So you're just disagreeing with his point of view or facts.. Not how he got to the conclusion. Fixed it for you. You are welcome. My pleasure.

As far as the fucking Oscars which did mean something until the shit parade came to town last year. Love the BLM movement. Stirred up a lot of entitlement feeling in all these shit for brains fuckers. And now the disease has spread to the lame ass left wing shithead communities. Makes sense. It was bound to get to that point. Sorry... In short, THIS IS FUCKING BOGUS. A Nonissue brought up by your wonderful shitheads of Hollywood who are fucking hacks. Fucking hacks. Hey thanks for listening to pure garbage which makes sense given that this topic is nothing but. Oh yeah i forgot this is the sandbox not the topics that i give a damn. Did ya miss me?