EW, I actually didn't consider outside cameras & nosy maintenance guys. I just thought everyones comings & goings would be less scruitized. Even extremely nice hotel front desks have a eye on who comes in and out on the lobby. That does make every one safer. However, as the article honey rose posted, people may be more observant now and want to save the day.I used to travel quite a bit and just don't do it any longer ... but the only type of lobby that bothers me are those smallish ones that sometimes, I'll see in extended stay places.
I really think truly independent providers in those nicer hotels don't have to worry.
Now on the flip side of my preference, an outside room does make it easier for your wife's PI to take a snapshot of you leaving the room. Where as once you go into the lobby, there is no telling which room you're going to. Originally Posted by grean
Those are the places that are observant. Otherwise, even in the slower hotels, if it's something like a Weston or a Marriot, I just don't see an issue at all walking through the lobby.
And what's the issue with not seeing an elevator and having to ask? Often, I don't. That's why the front desk is in the front. No need to explain WHY you're asking. When I valet park my car, and if the guy asks how long I'll be staying, I'll say an hour. Or three.
I don't go into a diatribe, or start making excuses, on why I'm staying there for a short time. Perhaps I'm meeting someone for a drink? Lunch? A snack in their room? grin None of their business. Answer lightly, smile, and go about your business of getting some pleasure.
For a long time, I wanted to make Austin my second home and that's where I learned about the hotels with the outside entrance. Ladies were having real issues in north Austin at those places.
This is very cheap advice, but what I tell my friends is that you have to come up with something, a philosophy, that works for you in this world.
If you don't like a certain type of incall location, then don't go there. If something sounds fishy over the phone, then don't set up an appointment.
In other words, nearly all of us (I know that the ladies do this or should) have in their minds what works for them and what does not. And it's OK to ask what works for others. I do that!

As an example, there is this other topic, in Houston, that some guy is acting rather dumb (imo) and stating things that just aren't true. For ME. For him, it could be that using Altoids on/in a woman's pussy is the greatest thing in the world.
If a man came at me with hot cinnamon peppermint candy to put inside/around my private areas, I'd say no. Makes me cringe to think about it while writing this response. But for his lovers? Maybe it's the most pleasurable sensation but I highly doubt it, for most people.
So it's important to be true to yourself. We are all different with our cravings and desires. Do what makes you comfortable. And than the rest generally works out.
Just my thoughts on it.
Warm regards,