Pope visits Alaska

Since we are telling Pope Jokes...........

Wayne and Bill were best friends. Bill had been struck with polio hen he was just 10 years old. He could not walk. He was cripple.

Wayne would take Bill on trips, but more times than not, Bill would just stay in the hotel rooms, because he is cripple.

Wayne wanted to take a trip to Europe, and finally convinced Bill to go as well. The visited England, saw Buckinham Palace. Or at least Wayn did. Bill stayed in the hotel room, because Bill is cripple.

They visited Paris, Wayne saw the Eifle Tower. Bill just stayed in the hotel, because he is cripple.

Finally, they got to Italy. Wayne told Bill that he ha arranged a personal audience with the Pope. Bill agreed to go.

When they met the Pope, the Pope looked at Bill struggling trying to barely stand on his crutches. The Pope cried out, "throw away that right crutch". Bill did, struggling to keep his balance. The Pope proclaimed, "throw away that left crunch", and Bill did just that.

Bill then fell flat on his face. Because Bill is cripple.