I had Don himself at O.L.D. pick me up and take me to the Cocal in Jaco for 4 nights. He was great and had a cooler of beer and pop. I never experienced Sid (the old owner) so I can't comment there. Don knew the people at Cocal well, and I had a great room (reserved by him) and then Don himself picked me up and took me to the Sportsmen's for 3 nights. Again, he arranged the room (it was great), and picked me up and took me to the airport at the end.
He only charges for the rides and he gets a percentage from the hotels he books you in. He doesn't charge anything for reserving rooms and he can get rooms when we ourselves can't.. He has had trouble hiring competent help if he himself can't fit you in his schedule. Remember, the Ticos down there are on 'Tico time'. So Don has to do his own legwork and it's tough to be two places at the same time. I suggested that he hire a Tica or two as drivers. The Tica's have more of a work ethic than the Ticos in my opinion. But if you are a Chicago Cub fan, he may drop you off real close to see the Crocodiles on the road to Jaco. Real close..... as he is a die-hard St Louis Cardinal fan.