Odd Fellows

ck1942's Avatar
Perhaps the OP is misstating some data (not facts) inasmuch as

the predilection of many "Hobbyists" to cast aspersions on their fellow "Members" ( he said members )..., for their taste in paid entertainment.?

Not to cast aspersions, but to me "many" means a lot and for the most part I regard most of the adverse commenters are rather very few in actual numbers compared to the hundreds if not thousands of folks resident here.

That said, a few thoughts:

Yes, it would seem that more than a handful of commenters have forgotten their own former "newbiness" and are harsh instead of kind when commenting on reviews or on reviewers' choices, both on the provider, the providers' rates and/or services, etc.

I rarely comment on reviews in public (or, for that matter, in private tags) unless the review iseither very outstanding (to me) or severely deficient or insufficient or very questionable. But I may often send the reviewer a PM or some links to help improve his future reportage.

Yes, ladies are not permitted to post in review threads, and, yes, they may post in the coed -- but imo 99 pct of the ladies are intimidated to do so and thus just take their lumps or leave it to folks who really know them (WKs or not) to rebut a review.

Few of us very often consider the reality of the hobby -- in that providers and hobbyists are true


-- although seems to me that the providers more often than not get the short end of the stick on the boards.
guy fawkes's Avatar
I've met quite a few members who said they don't like writing reviews here because they don't want to deal with the backlash from other members, critiquing their reviews for whatever reason.

This mainly at times comes from INCOMPLETE revews...Where they forger rate, dates, website, numbers and other information that would help someone new reading the reviews see a provider
SARaven0000's Avatar
judge no one, less you be judged yourself. Originally Posted by funguy130
We should all try to discourage that kind of behavior ..It reflects poorly on everyone

The people that troll reviews don't care what is polite or what's not. There is no winning on the interwebs. Post a review because you want to, or not. Don't let them get to you

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-22-2016, 11:40 PM
I've met quite a few members who said they don't like writing reviews here because they don't want to deal with the backlash from other members, critiquing their reviews for whatever reason.

This mainly at times comes from INCOMPLETE revews...Where they forger rate, dates, website, numbers and other information that would help someone new reading the reviews see a provider Originally Posted by guy fawkes
An incomplete review does not give anyone license to disparage or insult the author of said review. There are ways of pointing out what is missing without being rude about it.

The people that troll reviews don't care what is polite or what's not. There is no winning on the interwebs. Post a review because you want to, or not. Don't let them get to you

Camille Originally Posted by Camille Fox
One of the things i found here on this adult site is a number of folks don't act like adults.
Precious_b's Avatar

One of the things i found here on this adult site is a number of folks don't act like adults. Originally Posted by Mokoa
One need not look farther than the Austin boards to see many a shining example.
Guero69's Avatar
First post . . . probably regret it . . . but, I've read fairly frequently about some hobbyists complaining about the rates that some providers charge. The same hobbyists that are "casting aspersions" on other's tastes in women? I don't know. If so, they should be glad that everyone doesn't have their refined taste. If we all liked the same types of women, the rates would really be high for those fortunate enough to possess the qualities everyone demanded. Fortunately, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This allows for a wide variety of providers and keeps the rates charged in a reasonable range. I'm done . . . go ahead and cast some aspersions my way.
Exithere's Avatar
First post . . . probably regret it . . . but, I've read fairly frequently about some hobbyists complaining about the rates that some providers charge. The same hobbyists that are "casting aspersions" on other's tastes in women? I don't know. If so, they should be glad that everyone doesn't have their refined taste. If we all liked the same types of women, the rates would really be high for those fortunate enough to possess the qualities everyone demanded. Fortunately, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This allows for a wide variety of providers and keeps the rates charged in a reasonable range. I'm done . . . go ahead and cast some aspersions my way. Originally Posted by SATX2015
Well done for a newbie.
Guero69's Avatar
Well done for a newbie. Originally Posted by schertzguy

Thank you . . . I think