The term GFE is old....

No they had refs. They have also put up biz websites. They acknowledge the fee when they get in the room.

My whole point is the less said the better. Acronyms, booking fees, the whole lot. Just shut the fuck up. Dont have that shit on your site. And it truly blows my mind how many people just cast it off and even get annoyed with me. Annoyed with me for covering my(and theirs for that matter) great ass. I guess I dont think about the whole rip off thing from a guys point of view because I dont think like that. I dont steal, ya know?

Whatever, I have alot of guys that appreciate that about me. Good luck to all.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Talking about it isn't the only thing that gets ladies busted. Its just a small part of it, but one can never be too careful.

You could never utter one word on the phone and just show up at the hotel. If its LE, they will arrest you. So, no matter what.....if LE wants you, they'll get you. Originally Posted by MsElena
Well said love.
Naomi4u's Avatar
For GFE we could use NLMW (Not Like My Wife) and for PSE NLMWAA (Not Like My Wife At All) Originally Posted by SillyGirl
You are so right but I just see this stuff everywhere. The less said the better ya know? Originally Posted by TamsenCrown
As you type and post on the subject among 57,000 plus members, not to mention the lurkers with the possible attraction of the entire network called the web. Seems a little condescending.

As long as you are a member of the internet provider sector you will be exposed in some fashion or another, if you are so worried I would suggest going UTR and not exposing yourself to the world and especially on the network that everyone has access to...

Just saying.....
topsgt38801's Avatar
Sometimes even with reviews you do not get some of the info you might want. When I see GFE, I immediately think the lady is into LFK and DFK which I enjoy. If they do not, I am not interested. As for the safety issue, participating in the hobby is never 100% safe and it is a risk we all assume. However, from my computer standpoint , I do use applications that will delete most of the traces of activity which I run every few days. Doing a delete on your browser history does not clear much information that cannot be found. I also am very careful what I say on phone and computer. Phone records on all phones are always accessable with a court order. Using a site like Pref411 helps keep some of your information a little more hidden, but as I stated, if you participate in the hobby you must be assured you can be caught or you could catch something. Only 100% safe way is not to play!

As you type and post on the subject among 57,000 plus members, not to mention the lurkers with the possible attraction of the entire network called the web. Seems a little condescending.

As long as you are a member of the internet provider sector you will be exposed in some fashion or another, if you are so worried I would suggest going UTR and not exposing yourself to the world and especially on the network that everyone has access to...

Just saying..... Originally Posted by Woody of TX

Didnt know I was being condescending. I was talking about upgrading a very common hooker term that guys say girls lie about now anyways. I was talking about discretion. I was also not talking about ME or MY services whatsoever. Have you even been to my site? I dont have any acronyms up there. What are you talking about?

The amount of members on this site is WHY I posted this here. People SHOULD speak less about specifics when booking. Well known providers SHOULDNT have that or ANY acronym on their site. BE SAFE is my point.

Im sorry, I didnt know I was being condescending and Im sorry you felt, that. Please read the post I wrote that started the thread. Maybe you read it wrong, hun. I just want everyone to be careful & safe. Ive been doing this on & off since I was wicked young. I dont know everything, but I am no moron. Ive had a friend picked up on her way to the store for what she wrote in emails. Ive seen my share of things as well and at no time claimed this to be some solve all safe bet. But why not help your odds ya know?
Im sorry, I didnt know I was being condescending and Im sorry you felt, err, that. Originally Posted by TamsenCrown
Spell check change what was intended written......

Please replace the word condescending with "contradicting"
Dude what are you talking about? I mean you read what I just posted, no?
About safety? I just want everyone to be happy and was thinking of a
way to improve a safety a little. So sorry I bothered. I just dont get where you are coming from with that.
All the same, all the best.
Dude what are you talking about? I mean you read what I just posted, no?
About safety? I just want everyone to be happy and was thinking of a
way to improve a safety a little. So sorry I bothered. I just dont get where you are coming from with that.
All the same, all the best. Originally Posted by TamsenCrown

I guess I was asking you to think outside the box........

I know that you were only trying to express to others that people should be more discrete on wording of reviews and etc....especially with the definition that you assume GFE stands for...

Sometimes things are better left alone .. than to kick up the dust.....and draw attention to the object. Did I lose you there?