I work around young girls in the real world. Most of them are complete sluts. This generation has no morales or work ethic. Young girls want $$$ and are so desensitized to what is wrong they will do the easiest thing that makes them money. If that is blowing a guy or fucking a guy for a quick couple of hundred bucks then that is the answer. Did I also mention that they ALL do (staff edit; ztonk)? A lot. Just my two cents. Not trying to offend anyone.
Originally Posted by RNB
Them young whipper-snappers! They're lazy and got no morals any more! Back in my day, though, the girls never put out. No-sir-ree-bob! They was all virgins on their wedding nights. Yep! Those was the good old days!
Seriously, though, WHY in the world would you consider it "wrong" (your word) to be paid to have sex? I pay for sex. You pay for sex. The women you and I see are paid to have sex. (I'm sorry, LE snoops, I just pay them for their time. Really! My posted reviews are all fantasies, honest!)
I'll bet that if women would pay you $250 an hour for sexual favors, you would take advantage of that situation, wouldn't you? I know I would! What is wrong with getting money for a service?
Geez....let's end this stupid idea that there is anything wrong with the exchange of sex for money. And, for the love of the God-that-ain't-really-there, stop shaming a small number of women for taking advantage of the fact that MOST women in the world (and, yes, that means the vast majority of young women these days, too!) WON'T put out for cash.
(staff edit; forbidden topic; ztonk) You must work with a very skewed sample of young women. Women are graduating college in record rates now.
(staff edit; ztonk)