John retiring from hobby (Very Long)

john353's Avatar
For some, the hobby gets to a point where it loses its appeal and just isn't fun anymore. It doesn't have to be about ED issues as there are other variables that can be involved.

Sometimes we can just grow wary of all the day to day circumstances that are required to nail down an appointment with someone we want to see. There were times in the past where there were no providers in the Houston area that I had any interest in seeing. None! So in turn...I felt I had to sit back and wait on travelers to pop up, and hopefully it was someone I had an interest in.

It gets to a point to where you may come to a conclusion and say to yourself...

"Fuck this...I'm done."

When I reach that point, I walk away for a year or sometimes longer than that. I never really retire...I just have to give myself a break from all the bullshit and allow the hobby scene to recharge while I'm away. For some...the hobby is like a drug addiction, but once you can learn to kick the habit, it gets easier to cope with.

As of now the hobby is still fun for me...but there will be a time once again to step back into the shadows.

OP...the whole point is, you don't have to throw in the towel and totally give up if you find our little sub-culture fun. Take a step back and look at what it is that makes it difficult for you and take the steps to fix it. Then you can come back at your leisure and hopefully enjoy yourself again.

Good luck.
  • cr76
  • 02-28-2016, 10:49 AM
Pussy is always expensive, even if it's not hobby pussy.

the hobby is going to have it's up and downs. I big believer in repeats and go to girls, but if the sessions begin to lack, then perhaps it's time to move on, but i have had lots of positives from seeing the same providers.

Like john353 said, maybe you need to take a step back and just lurk in the threads or take a break from hobbying.

It has seen it slumps and upsetting times, but it's also had it's awesome times as well.

But if your really quitting the hobby, you should have just come out and said who you are, rather then the fake ID.

for all we know, you could have just made this whole sob story up, while you actually have no intent of quitting.
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
i have had lots of positives from seeing the same providers. Originally Posted by cr76
I think your theory applies in most cases but Texas brings out a lot of BSC antics from the ladies. Sometimes it's best just to move on to another lady after you are finished with the latest conquest.
  • Johnz
  • 02-29-2016, 08:07 AM
I wanted this to be informative, to guys that maybe encountering the same type of issues,and maybe help get someone in agencies if that is what they want. I did get right in after getting P-411.

I also thought that if some providers read this they may understand that we guys endure sacrifiecies and risk and savings just to see them.

Thanks to those who understood,
  • zunr
  • 02-29-2016, 08:49 AM
I believe I understand where you are coming from, I know I have not put as many no reviews up because of thinking it would look bad when checked by providers. But this is a great site to get information and make good decisions.

I have enjoyed many good providers by checking reviews first. I like those that have a private place, rather than a motel. because I tend to show up a bit early and it is weird waiting in a motel parking lot for 5 minutes or so.

Good luck to you John.
  • cr76
  • 02-29-2016, 08:56 AM
But why the anon profile?? If your leaving??
I also thought that if some providers read this they may understand that we guys endure sacrifices and risk and savings just to see them. Originally Posted by Johnz
Hookers / Providers couldn't give a flying f*ck about our problems, Period (ie: the aforementioned risk...sacrifices....and most of all: savings). The sooner all hobbiests understand going in that their issues/ problems is ALL they are concerned about, the better off everyone will be.

Not pickin' on you, Johnny Z, but that quote kinda caught my eye. Good luck with retirement, sir, wherever it ends up taking you.
ck1942's Avatar
In my lifetime of hobbying (and playing around with civilian playmates) only a few in-common realities seem to exist and sometimes persist:

-- not every and certainly never all experiences can or should be the same. You either have a lot of fun, much less, or literally none at all

-- the more difficult the "chase," usually results in less than maximum fun

-- the more immediate "capture" does not always mean maximum fun

-- the more time spent in face to face communication usually means more fun, but not always.

The above are my conclusions and obviously cannot be extrapolated to cover all mongers, or any, for that matter.