When all else fails simply honestly look at the facts. You're most likely an excellent provider with excellent skills but you are an unknown in Austin.
Reviews may or may not be accurate however a pic is worth a thousand words.
Horny men are visual and when you enter a new market at top dollar you had better be able to compete body wise with the other young better known $300 providers.
Most new providers enter the scene with a more competitive rate until they build a solid Austin rep.
Some visiting young firm hot bods with amazing tits and beautiful face pics are an exception to that rule but as I said horny men are visual.
I have to go with buyers remorse as well. While Cooper could have offered a far kinder more supportive response he was being honest.
When almost every single customer backs out obviously there's far more going on than mere coincidence. Facts are facts. Don't blame the consumer base for switching and going elsewhere. Blame the marketing.
One other more mature provider visiting from California had a similar experience a year ago. After being royally reamed by the members for bitching about NSNC in coed she took their advice, dropped her rates and instantly got booked up. She returned home a happy camper. She even thanked the crude members for helping her out.
If you don't want to try making your rates more competitive while still here just to see if that helps then we wish you a safe journey home in all this coming rain.