Racial preferences when choosing a provider

JulianRios's Avatar
White or Hispanic..

Haven't been able to see a sexy black woman yet ...
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
Lol too crazy all pussies are pink on the inside!!! What is it the attitudes of certain races put you off? I've heard that more then once....but I thought we were here to fuck not to talk🤐. What about us mix breeds huh??? Where do we fall into your ideas. I've got like ten races in me, someone asks for a Caucasian, Hispanic, African American, Native American, or I have moorish, can I just be like here ya go... This is some Disney status pussy!!! All fucking over the place.
JulianRios's Avatar
Yeah that's why I'm not into black women ^
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
That's sterotyping
Sheep Herder's Avatar
E.O. The race thing for me is about personal attraction I'm usually attracted to light skinned women. It's kinda like some guys love a red head some a blonde or whatever it's not about disliking someone because of the color of their skin. I can be friends with a girl and not be sexually attracted.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Why can you only pick 1? Originally Posted by levi tab
+1 All races!!!
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
E.O. The race thing for me is about personal attraction I'm usually attracted to light skinned women. It's kinda like some guys love a red head some a blonde or whatever it's not about disliking someone because of the color of their skin. I can be friends with a girl and not be sexually attracted. Originally Posted by Sheep Herder
Lol that's cool my ass is whiter than most but I still get that African American typing. I was raised by my white lady what does that make it Weird that I don't act a certain way? Oh and yes I usually do get loud but I'm drunk do we have a slot for that?
mirandalee's Avatar
Girl you are too much love your spirit but yea everyone have their type but oh well. Mixed women rock too but dont let negative men change your cool personality.
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
Girl you are too much love your spirit but yea everyone have their type but oh well. Mixed women rock too but dont let negative men change your cool personality. Originally Posted by mirandalee
Thanks lady lumps!! Wish you'd have stayed alittle longer!! So far this is a cool thread because I've been wondering this myself and how these guys can say some of the things that are so negative or just shitty on what they want and don't want and some people just think it's okay..... And why does everything have to be about race that doesn't make a personality or how fun an appt will be
Sheep Herder's Avatar
Thanks lady lumps!! Wish you'd have stayed alittle longer!! So far this is a cool thread because I've been wondering this myself and how these guys can say some of the things that are so negative or just shitty on what they want and don't want and some people just think it's okay..... And why does everything have to be about race that doesn't make a personality or how fun an appt will be Originally Posted by *.EnticingOrchids.*
Why is not okay to say what we want and don't want or what we like and don't like?
toutiorix's Avatar
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
Why is not okay to say what we want and don't want or what we like and don't like? Originally Posted by Sheep Herder
Never said that yo, I said why ask it the way they've been asked? Like hey are there any Latina or Caucasian ladies to apply.... Instead of hey blacks move to the bottom.....
nerdy123's Avatar
Lol too crazy all pussies are pink on the inside!!! What is it the attitudes of certain races put you off? I've heard that more then once....but I thought we were here to fuck not to talk🤐. What about us mix breeds huh??? Where do we fall into your ideas. I've got like ten races in me, someone asks for a Caucasian, Hispanic, African American, Native American, or I have moorish, can I just be like here ya go... This is some Disney status pussy!!! All fucking over the place. Originally Posted by *.EnticingOrchids.*
EO, whatever race you are, you won it! I look for personality, not skin color, and that you have plenty of!

As for the question, I prefer non ghetto chicks, and those go by all colors. Plenty of ghetto white, brown, and chocolate out there. I am more into a sweet disposition and dirty mind.
Sheep Herder's Avatar
Never said that yo, I said why ask it the way they've been asked? Like hey are there any Latina or Caucasian ladies to apply.... Instead of hey blacks move to the bottom..... Originally Posted by *.EnticingOrchids.*
Dang hooker get over my writing abilities!! Im a product of a small town public education system and I raise sheep, I'm not an award winning journalist with an Ivy League education.

E.O. It is obvious you wanta have sex with me and can't admit it, it's okay don't be alarmed and think there's something wrong with you, I naturally have this effect on women.
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
Lol sheep!!!! Come on man I pretty much wanna fuck anyone with a boner but that's just me! I just wish we could be alittle less crass when it comes to us ladies. I've literally been called everything in the book since I've been in this business. Like yes I do get paid to fuck, but so does that bitch that you take out for dinner/drinks and spend more on but your not guaranteed some ass. I just take the "middle" of all the bullshit out and fuck. I've never even thought of myself as black it's always been mixed with everything and saw past race just who that person is. Hey nerdy123!!!! Where you at drinking buddy!!!?