After The Session

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Your husband?

You actually have a husband?

He knows what you do to earning evening cash?

He doesn't mind?

That subject should be a thread all on it's own.

I still don't understand how a husband would not mind that some other dude is laying pipe to his wife! How does that work, anyway?
FG--If you paid attention to her posts, you would already know this. She's pretty up front about it. And their arrangement isn't for you to understand. It's between them and no one else. If it works for them, that's all that matters. When we start criticizing other people's attitudes, we open ourselves to being criticized and judged by others.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Hey, hey, hey!

I am not judging!

I am simply asking how it works.

Don't read any more into the question because that is ALL that was intended.
Your husband?

You actually have a husband?

He knows what you do to earning evening cash?

He doesn't mind?

That subject should be a thread all on it's own.

I still don't understand how a husband would not mind that some other dude is laying pipe to his wife! How does that work, anyway?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Looking back at my posts I am noticeing that I have mentioned having a husband in about half of my posts, so it is kinda shocking that you hadn't figured that out until now.
Yes, I have a husband, and we love each other dearly, and we are both thrilled that we each have sexual acts outside of our marriage. The stories and the new ideas we bring home to each other is amazing. We have been together 11+ years and it works out really well for us. We fully support each other.

FG--If you paid attention to her posts, you would already know this. She's pretty up front about it. And their arrangement isn't for you to understand. It's between them and no one else. If it works for them, that's all that matters. When we start criticizing other people's attitudes, we open ourselves to being criticized and judged by others. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Thank you for this, you are a true sweetheart!
I still don't understand how a husband would not mind that some other dude is laying pipe to his wife! How Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Fast Gunn you must get out more.....what she says is very normal, just many of them don't let it be known, you're not assuming that all these providers are single and lonely do you?

Now I am not naive here, but hearing of the "boyfriend, husband" during the time spend together or just in regular chat is not my cup of tea, I want the "Illusion of Passion" even if I am paying for it, personally if I hear those two words I won't go there.
Fast Gunn you must get out more.....what she says is very normal, just many of them don't let it be known, you're not assuming that all these providers are single and lonely do you?

Now I am not naive here, but hearing of the "boyfriend, husband" during the time spend together or just in regular chat is not my cup of tea, I want the "Illusion of Passion" even if I am paying for it, personally if I hear those two words I won't go there. Originally Posted by Woody of TX
The passion is still there even if one does have an SO...When I am with a gentleman, and I'm enjoying myself, there is a lot of passion. What is true outside of the session has nothing to do with it.
Like most girls, I have my favorites, and I truely beleive my life has been enriched just by knowing them. I love to feel them touch me, and I love to hear their voice...I really do enjoy every second with them.
I think most of the gentlemen here who are married, and have had their ATF's understand where I'm coming from. Just because they are married, doesn't mean they can't let loose and really enjoy themselves...complete with passion and even a little love.
The passion is still there even if one does have an SO...When I am with a gentleman, and I'm enjoying myself, there is a lot of passion. What is true outside of the session has nothing to do with it.
Like most girls, I have my favorites, and I truely beleive my life has been enriched just by knowing them. I love to feel them touch me, and I love to hear their voice...I really do enjoy every second with them.
I think most of the gentlemen here who are married, and have had their ATF's understand where I'm coming from. Just because they are married, doesn't mean they can't let loose and really enjoy themselves...complete with passion and even a little love. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums post was not directed to you personally ... just how I look at it, since I don't know you personally I have no idea what you bring to the game, its just my preference and how I go about it.

Good luck.
Back to the original topic...I feel GREAT after my sessions! I LOVE it knowing that the person on my table has been made to relax which, by the way, relaxes me as well! THEN, if the person on my table has REALLY been relaxed, that makes me feel VERY good!

I am and always have been a caregiver! post was not directed to you personally ... just how I look at it, since I don't know you personally I have no idea what you bring to the game, its just my preference and how I go about it.

Good luck. Originally Posted by Woody of TX
Maybe you should get to know me in person and see what I bring to the game...then you will have to admit that your preference is biased and wrong!

Hey, you started it!
methodx69's Avatar
Hmmmm...I always feel good afterwards....I mean shit....I just got my load out!! How can I not feel good. Usually have a shit eating grin for the next day or so if it was a stellar session; however, I have a ridiculous warm heart, so a few days later..I feel a little bad....and then I just go back for more ; p
Maybe you should get to know me in person and see what I bring to the game...then you will have to admit that your preference is biased and wrong!

Hey, you started it! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
LOL, maybe I did start it, but in reply to your comment, I will most likely not admit to it being wrong, but I will admit to it being my preference, that just it "My Preference", no one has to agree with it thou.

Again good luck.
As far as I'm concerned, there is no "typical" session. Different guys just means different experiences. The guys I see please me in so many ways, and I don't let them leave until they have spaghetti legs! Nothing typical about that!!
Going Vagal's Avatar
From a hobbyist, this seems to be a silly question. If you didn't feel good, why do it?
Willen's Avatar
I suspect that for the hobbyist, the question really boils down to guilt or its absence. Someone can feel great physically but also be upset at themselves for flouting social conventions.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The question may seem obvious on the surface, but humans are really complex mechanisms.

My purpose in posing the question was to bring out all the facets of emotions that providers and hobbyists may feel after a typical session.

Providers have reasons that only they know.

I had one girl tell me that "she knew what she was doing was wrong, but she couldn't do anything else"!

Damn! That is still a shocker to me!