Give it to me straight!
Originally Posted by Lamb66
I want my clients to treat me the same way they want to be treated.
Don't show up drunk or if you have been drink and/or doing drugs. I will refuse the session for both our safety. I won't pull a gun, but I will tie you up and walk away until you're straight. BTW, I don't clock watch but I also expect for all the full hours to count.
Be clean in body, breathe, and min....okay maybe not mind! Please don't smoke right before you come in. I'm allergic and it can have an affect on the service. Like those long slow passionate kisses and tight snuggles? Don't smoke prior to a session with me.
Want to find out about the things the reviews talk about, not going there if you smell (even if you don't realize it). I am more than willing to start a shower for you. If I really like you, I might even join you.
Please try not to be so nervous you shake the entire session. I'm going to wonder if you're jonesing for a fix and need to see a dr. I promise you have nothing to fear. I'm the one who has to prove myself, I'm the provider remember. It is my responsibility to make it worth the trip for you. You have nothing to prove. You're already fabulous in my eyes.
If you are under 30 please tell me before you book and show up. I really don't need that surprise to mentally over come. If I'm literally old enough to be your mom, I deserve a warning and you better be George Strait hot looking.
Remember for this experience to e fantastic, you have to communicate with me. This means letting me know what I'm doing right and how to change it to make it better. Just like you want to know. Encouragement is a sure fire way to help me maintain the eager to please attitude.
Never make me ask for green. If you try to walk out, you might get tackled and that's never fun. If you knew the layout in my living room, you would know why.
Have fun without going to the vulgar name calling. You do that I can guarantee the session is over.
Last but not least and definitely most import....
IF YOU BOOK A SESSION SHOW UP! Don't NSNC or short notice cancel. I doubt you'll get a second chance to do it again.
It may seem like we make a ton of money, and we do to a point. Until you start deducting expenses...Nails, Toes, hair, makeup, laundry, clothes, transportation, supplies, hotel rooms, advertising, Internet, cell phone, rent, etc... If my month is 45-50 appt hrs average...I spend 1/3 on business expenses, 1/3 on personal needs, and the other 1/3 goes into retirement. When you cost me an appt, I have to book two to replace it.
No matter what, just be honest, have fun, and stay safe.
Does that help? This is a business for me. I don't need it, but I sure like the outcome.