^^^^^^Thank you, that is what i mean. seriously, plenty do want a plain white envelope which i have done many times. no counting and everything is either understood or agreed upon prior, and honored. i guess that is the issue here is honoring your half of the commitment, for me it's just never been an issue.
This is what I was thinking also. I've see many showcases that state do not mention the donation, just place it in plain site so it can be seen once in the room. I met one provider out of Dallas a couple of years ago, and she wanted it in a plain white envelope. I normally just place it in plain site and fan it out so it can easily be seen. If they want to count it fine, if not, that's ok too. But, I never speak a word about it before or after unless it's in a PM on here. I personally like to get the donation amount cleared up in PM prior to and ask that once that part of the process is complete, it not be discussed again unless it's afterwards here in PM (ie. she wants to thank me for a tip if I so choose to leave one). Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
After laying down the donation I excuse myself to the restroom. This gives the lady an opportunity to check the amount if she chooses to do so.obviously you wrote this as a fantasy story with no actual connection to any real events since surely nobody in here is actually exchanging money for sex.
If not that's her call.
After the sex I again go to the restroom to wash off. This also gives her another chance to count the donation.
I agree with both policies the direct approach of telling her, here is the donation and feel free to count the money especially with BPers and some ECCIE VPs which are just a step above many BP providers.
If its an established upper echelon ECCIE VP I have placed the donation in an envelop. Sometimes I write Merry Christmas, Happy Valentines Day or Happy Birthday on the envelope.
There are times during a session the provider can discreetly count the donation. Originally Posted by busternutzs
it's simple.
1. pay up front.
2. tell them to count the money.
3. forget about the money.
4. have great sex.
if you're not doing it that way you're doing it wrong. Originally Posted by john_deere
obviously you wrote this as a fantasy story with no actual connection to any real events since surely nobody in here is actually exchanging money for sex.Danm I could have sworn we said more or less the same thing.
LOLZ Originally Posted by john_deere