Stan the Man is a legend...or is that leg end lol.
The Tangerines were the first team I ever saw play, as my grandfather was from that neck of the woods. There were tears when I switched to the other 'pool
.....btw Ciao Torres....
C xxx
Originally Posted by Camille
Stan's bio is a great read! Long...but a great read. Reminiscent of David Moraniss' bio of Vince Lombardi,
When Pride Still Mattered, on this side of the pond.
If your boys keep it up, perhaps you can switch allegiances again. They're in the hunt for promotion...and without all of the asshats they overspent for in a vain attempt to stay up a few years back.
First team I ever saw play were the old Washington Diplomats, the year with Cruyff. My dad sang in a barbershop chorus that would get asked to perform the national anthem a couple of times a season. When Pele & the Cosmos hit town, you'd get 55K folk into RFK for the match. I suppose we could be forgiven for deluding ourselves that football would someday take it's place besides "throwball" as a big time sport over here!
Oh & learn!