Great Lover or Great Looker?

shorty's Avatar
She doesn't have to be a looker.That's what they make BJ, 69, and Doggie for!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
When you like someone, they become better looking to you.

If you don't like someone, it doesn't matter how good looking they are.

Some of the most fantastic lovers that I've ever come across have ranged from a lot of average looking guys, a few gorgeous and several trolls. One NEVER knows when that chemistry will spark.

But when it does? Damn the looks.

I want the deliciousness of his touch and abilities. That's enough for me. No. I take that back. It's all that matters to me!

A lover.

burkalini's Avatar
When you like someone, they become better looking to you.

If you don't like someone, it doesn't matter how good looking they are.

Some of the most fantastic lovers that I've ever come across have ranged from a lot of average looking guys, a few gorgeous and several trolls. One NEVER knows when that chemistry will spark.

But when it does? Damn the looks.

I want the deliciousness of his touch and abilities. That's enough for me. No. I take that back. It's all that matters to me!

A lover.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Very good explanation
Read Cyrano de Bergerac.

Without a doubt...lover!!!
I'm with Miss Whispers....

It's just chemistry that matters - it's what makes the passion...

Some fuglies, some really good looking ones, and several home slices...

It's the pheromones - or something - whatever it is, when it's there - you can't deny it.

Technical skill does not replace it. Nothing does. Most other experiences are just super fun exercise....and some of it is just plain work.
When you like someone, they become better looking to you.

If you don't like someone, it doesn't matter how good looking they are.

Some of the most fantastic lovers that I've ever come across have ranged from a lot of average looking guys, a few gorgeous and several trolls. One NEVER knows when that chemistry will spark.

But when it does? Damn the looks.

I want the deliciousness of his touch and abilities. That's enough for me. No. I take that back. It's all that matters to me!

A lover.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
You'd be surprised how good looking I am with your eyes closed or when they are rolled back in your head as you scream my name in ectasy!! Good lover is way better!!

The shipped has already sailed on good-looking....that's never gonna happen....good lover is always achievable.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Got to be the contrarian here. Great looker for me; however, I go with the post about the scale. If she is a 10 in bed, but a 1 in clothes; we will never get to bed. I'd rather make love to a 10 in looks because I'm a very visual person. If she isn't a good lover, then I would hope I could have taught her a thing or two (probably not ). Seriously, I have been with some not so pretty girls (civie and providers), it is hard for me to stay aroused because I'm thinking of my exit strategy. In that case, everyone loses. I'm having a bad time, and the girl (who maybe wonderful) never has the opportunity to "show off" her skill because I've already tuned out.
Always looking for a great lover
Read Cyrano de Bergerac.

Without a doubt...lover!!!
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
And "lover" has more to do with than just the physical.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are actually some people, who just can't be taught skills in the bedroom, no matter how hard ya try....been there, done that. I had a 6 year (mostly monogamous) relationship with a great looking guy who, IMO, was lousy in bed, and either couldn't or wouldn't take any kind of direction that might help improve his skills. I learned to love my "rabbit" during this period...LOL He was a nice guy and pretty to look at, but I just could no longer go without having some satisfying intimacy. So, even though I am drawn to the pretty ones (let's face it....most of us are to some degree, even though many of us can get past the superficial and see other qualities in potential partners that draw us in) If I had to choose, I'd go with a skilled lover, or at least one who is open to and capable of listening and learning. It is possible to be both, also been there done that....that one was VERY hard to give up.

I have to agree with the pheromone comment. Sometimes you see some of the oddest looking couples out and about. Had to be some heavy duty pheromones flying around! LOL
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
MAX, I think you are right on. I offer myself as an occasional replacement for the one who was very hard to give up.

Great Looks and Great Lover --- I want it all.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
MAX, I think you are right on. I offer as an occasional replacement for the one who was very hard to give up.

Great Looks and Great Lover --- I want it all. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
Don't we all! Fortunately, there are so many qualities in people that bring them together, rather than just looks. Integrity, and a good sense of humor rank high on my list! Not to mention the bedroom skills...'-) A good hearted person who makes me laugh now and again....WOW! Very attractive in my book!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
You'd be surprised how good looking I am with your eyes closed or when they are rolled back in your head as you scream my name in ectasy!! Good lover is way better!!

The shipped has already sailed on good-looking....that's never gonna happen....good lover is always achievable. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
I agree with Ed... ........ i say Good Lover
Mojojo's Avatar
When you like someone, they become better looking to you.

If you don't like someone, it doesn't matter how good looking they are.

Some of the most fantastic lovers that I've ever come across have ranged from a lot of average looking guys, a few gorgeous and several trolls. One NEVER knows when that chemistry will spark.

But when it does? Damn the looks.

I want the deliciousness of his touch and abilities. That's enough for me. No. I take that back. It's all that matters to me!

A lover.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Best explanation I've heard in and out the hobby.

When it comes to the hobby its usually good looks that start and good lover that comes after. Not always the case though I've met ladies who's wits catch my attention.
for me, there has to be a physical attraction first, then also there needs to be chemistry. Exchanging emails, PMs, etc helps me know if the chemistry will be there. Eccie is a great medium for establishing the chemistry, I think.