Hillary Pulling Out The Old "two for one" Bullshit

Guest123018-4's Avatar
More like a three for one cuz the energizer bunny may want to tag along and Bill may not go without her.
lustylad's Avatar
The Secret Service would have to search under and clear out any desks before Slick Willy sits down anywhere. They'll also need to ban all cigars from the West Wing!
The Secret Service would have to search under and clear out any desks before Slick Willy sits down anywhere. They'll also need to ban all cigars from the West Wing! Originally Posted by lustylad
They don't call him " Slick Willy " for nothin' ! He managed to sneak women past shrillary when he occupied the White House, so I doubt he will be stifled by shrillary this go 'round .
lustylad's Avatar
This two-for-one crap will definitely backfire on the hildebeest. Feminists will ask why she doesn't feel capable of handling the job by herself. And every American will think twice about putting Slick Willy back in the White House, where as First Molester he can roam the West Wing at will, feeling entitled to any female body parts he finds there.
This two-for-one crap will definitely backfire on the hildebeest. Feminists will ask why she doesn't feel capable of handling the job by herself. And every American will think twice about putting Slick Willy back in the White House, where as First Molester he can roam the West Wing at will, feeling entitled to any female body parts he finds there. Originally Posted by lustylad
What a slap in the face to the entire "feminist movement" when their chief advocate admits it will take a man to get things straightened out.

Also, isn't her insistence that the economy needs "fixing" a direct repudiation of the Obama Years?
lustylad's Avatar
What a slap in the face to the entire "feminist movement" when their chief advocate admits it will take a man to get things straightened out.

Also, isn't her insistence that the economy needs "fixing" a direct repudiation of the Obama Years? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Dammit, Jackie! You're not supposed to point out all these libtard contradictions! You're not allowed to ask those tricky gotcha questions! It makes them soooo uncomfortable! Wtf, are you working for FOX news or sumpin?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It did not matter that Obama wasn't a real "black" man to the Demwits so why would it matter that a carpet munching woman isn't sufficiently feminist enough. They will vote for her because she is a woman just like they voted for Obama because of his skin color. All that matters is the "D" beside her name. Demwits are loyal to their party regardless. the Repukes not so much. Hell they are about to nominate a Dem to run for president which will attract the supposedly disenfranchised voter but will also cause those that see through his charade to not show up.
Wehn Bernie loses most of his supp[porters will stay home on election day as they are not really party Democrats but a bunch of idealistic children that understand the word "free" but not the cost of it.

LexusLover's Avatar
He managed to sneak women past shrillary when he occupied the White House, so I doubt he will be stifled by shrillary this go 'round . Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Is that the same "wife" who just learned one can have more than one email account on a single IPhone? Let me guess: Bill told her that!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
This two-for-one crap will definitely backfire on the hildebeest. Feminists will ask why she doesn't feel capable of handling the job by herself. Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you really think they give a rat's ass whether she is "capable of handling the job"? The same group didn't give a rat's ass if Obaminable was "capable of handling the job"? Competence is not a qualification any more .... it's about "affirmative promotions."
lustylad's Avatar
Do you really think they give a rat's ass whether she is "capable of handling the job"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
They are concerned with appearances, though. Remember how the libtards made fun of GWB and claimed he was nothing but Cheney's puppet? It wouldn't look good if word got out that Slick Willy was really wearing the POTUS pantsuit. Besides, a real feminist doesn't take testesterone-tainted advice from the opposite gender.
They are concerned with appearances, though. Remember how the libtards made fun of GWB and claimed he was nothing but Cheney's puppet? It wouldn't look good if word got out that Slick Willy was really wearing the POTUS pantsuit. Besides, a real feminist doesn't take testesterone-tainted advice from the opposite gender. Originally Posted by lustylad
So is that why the feminists assup the pig and EKIM hate all the rest of us here ?
LexusLover's Avatar
So is that why the feminists assup the pig and EKIM hate all the rest of us here ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

The are disgruntled because God gave 'em a bad shake in their APPEARANCES.
The are disgruntled because God gave 'em a bad shake in their APPEARANCES. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Appearances and "appliances " ! The eunuchs !
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't think they're related by blood ... perhaps since their boss has opened the closet door they will be "related" in their gender confusion. Originally Posted by LexusLover
aren't all pigs related by pork?