Justified - Season 2

Nitwitboy's Avatar
Hey Boltfan, Direct TV has an on demand function? What am I missing?
Boltfan's Avatar

Hit your menu button, should be an "On Demand" button or something like that. Your box has to be connected to the internet. The "On Demand" channel for the particular network is found by adding a "1" in front of the number. Like ESPN On Demand would be 1206 where regular ESPN is 206. FX would be 12xx for whatever the channel. They have all the original shows there from FX, TNT, TBS, Etc available for download if you miss them. Not sure how far back they go.

It is free with whatever corresponding package you have. If you pay for StarZ you get Starz on demand too, etc.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Hmm. That stinks. The box is not connected to the internet.
Boltfan's Avatar
Another great show.

"There a spot where your brain and spine connect..."

Classic. Like the scene from Miami Vice. No back and forth. He's got a gun, you've got a gun. You give up immediately or shots will be fired. None of this trying to talk him down bullshit.
TexRich's Avatar
I am so far behind on this show, I will have to catch up one weekend on Hula or some other website if not the FX website or on demand since I have Directv too.
Boltfan's Avatar
You will have to do it on DirecTV. I checked Hulu and they do not offer it yet.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Glad to see Ava is still around although that short scene raised more questions than it answered about her.

Seems Raylan and his ex may both have grown up some so who knows where that goes but DAYUM she is hot.
Caliban's Avatar
Gentlemen, for your viewing pleasure, I present a picture of the lovely Joelle Carter (who plays Ava Crowder on Justified):
Attached Images File Type: jpg Joelle Carter #1.jpg (13.5 KB, 100 views)
Boltfan's Avatar
"I don't want either of you doin shit, or even contemplatin doing shit, until you run it by someone who can think!"
Captain Caveman's Avatar
"I don't want either of you doin shit, or even contemplatin doing shit, until you run it by someone who can think!" Originally Posted by Boltfan
LOL... was that Mama Bennett? It sounds like her...
Boltfan's Avatar
That was said by her cop son, to the other dumbshit sons. Great line.
love this show
fullcrtpress's Avatar
Justified is a must see in my book. sence i am on the road all the time I do not get to watch it that much.
TexRich's Avatar
the best thread in this forum!
Guest032213-02's Avatar
Timothy Olyphant is my man crush.