Should Britain exit the EU?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, we've just had two liberals defend the the Constitution on the Supreme Court, while the "conservatives" fucked it over. And liberal Senator Ron Wyden was the only vote in his committee against expanding the government's ability to search your emails and browsing history without a warrant. The "conservatives" were in favor of expanding the police state. Go figure.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The UK says "FU" to the EU. Cameron resigns. they need new blood anyway. he was an EU tool. Merkel is crapping her panties. the death dominoes of the EU begin to fall.

the great experiment in NWO fails. not surprised one bit. of course the referendum isn't binding so there's still a chance Parliament can figure out a way to screw the people. we shall see.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
In theory, we have a constitution, but the liberals ignore it when they don't like it. Originally Posted by DSK
And the RINO'S let them get away with it. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Yes they do, the bastards!! Originally Posted by DSK
truth be told.. the real RINOs are the conservatives. the progressive republicans do not like them much and consider them to be an embarrassment.