Truth is, I'm confused about this immigration ruling.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
most of the parents came here to work, when they get kicked out and their kids are left here. . . then the state must take care of them till theyre 18.

Kicking the parents out actually costs the govbt money, plus a hard worker is lost and their tax revenue is lost.

If they are working and don't have any felonies or violent crimes they should be allowed to stay. . .at the very least with an extended work permit (as long as they stay productive members of society). Originally Posted by southtown4488
If they enter this country illegally, they are criminals.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
most of the parents came here to work, when they get kicked out and their kids are left here (that is the choice of the parents and not the state). . . then the state must take care of them till theyre 18 (or family and friends).

Kicking the parents out actually costs the govbt money, plus a hard worker (who took a job away from an American citizen) is lost and their tax revenue is lost. (since most of their paperwork is fake there is minimum tax revenue but the additional cost of their healthcare, children's education, and law enforcement is real)

If they are working and don't have any felonies or violent crimes they should be allowed to stay. . .at the very least with an extended work permit (as long as they stay productive members of society). Originally Posted by southtown4488
How about those who habitually break the law and get repeatedly deported. And if they are no longer productive? I guess the the southie paln is to turn them into dog food.
LexusLover's Avatar
.....most of the parents came here to work, .... Originally Posted by southtown4488
There are jobs in Mexico. You've been gruberized again on yet another issue.

And 10-15 months there will be even more work .....

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This latest SCOTUS ruling says that President Obama's executive order was illegal. Or at least he overstepped his authority. The ruling goes back to the Appeals Court's ruling, so the States that brought the suite won.

But here is something I don't understand. The executive order more or less in simple terms, stated that parents of children who were born here would not be subject to deportation, even though those parents were here illegally.

The problem is, you can't deport a US Citizen. These children are citizens, period.

If you deport the parents, who takes care of the children.

Of course, this is all our faults. Democrats want a new class of underclass to pander to and get votes from, many Republicans want cheap labor. So we just let anybody across the border that can make it across.

But we still, legally, cannot deport legal US Citizens.

What's the answer to this mess, or has that ship left port long time ago.

You would think that at the very least the Government would do something to fix this mess so at least we can stop the flow now. Originally Posted by Jackie S
this is where you're wrong.

the children of illegal aliens born in the U.S. are not U.S. Citizens. They are not subject to U.S. law.

the requirement is that one of the parents have to be an american citizen for the child to be considered a U.S. citizen.

the illegal alien parents fail that test.

the kids & their illegal parents should be deported.

It should not be our responsibility to take care of illegal aliens's children.

with regards to the kids being left behind, apparently no one in LE thought to check if any of the illegals had children with them. If they did, its most likely that illegals lied on purpose about having any children with them.

that said it really shows how irresponsible these illegals are in bringing the kids here or having a baby here and leaving them behind when caught & deported.
  • DSK
  • 06-25-2016, 07:34 AM
this is where you're wrong.

the children of illegal aliens born in the U.S. are not U.S. Citizens. They are not subject to U.S. law.

the requirement is that one of the parents have to be an american citizen for the child to be considered a U.S. citizen.

the illegal alien parents fail that test.

the kids & their illegal parents should be deported.

It should not be our responsibility to take care of illegal aliens's children.

with regards to the kids being left behind, apparently no one in LE thought to check if any of the illegals had children with them. If they did, its most likely that illegals lied on purpose about having any children with them.

that said it really shows how irresponsible these illegals are in bringing the kids here or having a baby here and leaving them behind when caught & deported. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Anyone who does not take care of their own family is worse than an infidel...
this is where you're wrong.

the children of illegal aliens born in the U.S. are not U.S. Citizens. They are not subject to U.S. law.

the requirement is that one of the parents have to be an american citizen for the child to be considered a U.S. citizen.

the illegal alien parents fail that test.

the kids & their illegal parents should be deported.

It should not be our responsibility to take care of illegal aliens's children.

with regards to the kids being left behind, apparently no one in LE thought to check if any of the illegals had children with them. If they did, its most likely that illegals lied on purpose about having any children with them.

that said it really shows how irresponsible these illegals are in bringing the kids here or having a baby here and leaving them behind when caught & deported. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
this is where you're wrong.

the children of illegal aliens born in the U.S. are not U.S. Citizens. They are not subject to U.S. law.

the requirement is that one of the parents have to be an american citizen for the child to be considered a U.S. citizen.

the illegal alien parents fail that test.

the kids & their illegal parents should be deported.

It should not be our responsibility to take care of illegal aliens's children.

with regards to the kids being left behind, apparently no one in LE thought to check if any of the illegals had children with them. If they did, its most likely that illegals lied on purpose about having any children with them.

that said it really shows how irresponsible these illegals are in bringing the kids here or having a baby here and leaving them behind when caught & deported. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
14th Amendment??
LexusLover's Avatar
14th Amendment?? Originally Posted by Jackie S
The 1965 Act is where the "anchor baby" discussion begins.

It's an "interpretation."

Knock yourself out:

I see this reference to a child born in the U.S. .... regarding parents being able to stay:

""(b) The 'immediate relatives' referred to in subsection (a) of this . "Immediate realtives in this section shall mean the children, spouses, and parents of a citizen of the United States: Provided, That in the case of parents, such citizen must be at least twenty-one years of age. The immediate relatives specified in this subsection who are otherwise qualified for admission as immigrants shall be admitted as such, without regard to the numerical limitations in this Act."

See a problem with "anchor babies"?
See a problem with "illegal aliens" being the parents?
When it come to the 2d Amendment, the cry from those who believe it's wording, (I am one of those), say....."what part of Shall Not Be Infringed don't you understand"?

With the 14th Amendment, the same cry can be......."what part of Born In.......Citizen of The United States" don't you understand"?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by i'va biggen
14th Amendment?? Originally Posted by Jackie S
The 1965 Act is where the "anchor baby" discussion begins.

It's an "interpretation."

Knock yourself out:

I see this reference to a child born in the U.S. .... regarding parents being able to stay:

""(b) The 'immediate relatives' referred to in subsection (a) of this . "Immediate realtives in this section shall mean the children, spouses, and parents of a citizen of the United States: Provided, That in the case of parents, such citizen must be at least twenty-one years of age. The immediate relatives specified in this subsection who are otherwise qualified for admission as immigrants shall be admitted as such, without regard to the numerical limitations in this Act."

See a problem with "anchor babies"?
See a problem with "illegal aliens" being the parents? Originally Posted by LexusLover
that answer should be directed at i'va biggen, not jackie s.
that answer should be directed at i'va biggen, not jackie s. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Wasn't it directed to your dumb ass?
eeehbuhhhrrrr.........You fucking faggot 0zombie loving "Independent" Bernie tonguing , Hillary clit sucking, Cock Sucker, musty smelling OLD mother fucker, sucking a urinal lipped cock sucking FAG...

eeehbuhhhrrrr.........You fucking faggot 0zombie loving "Independent" Bernie tonguing , Hillary clit sucking, Cock Sucker, musty smelling OLD mother fucker, sucking a urinal lipped cock sucking FAG...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You babbling idiot, go fuck yourself. You fucking liberals are all alike.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Wasn't it directed to your dumb ass? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
piss off sod head
LexusLover's Avatar
Wasn't it directed to your dumb ass? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No! Giving you a factual answer is a waste of time. You prove that daily by giving BBBJ's down at the truck stop through the wall .... with no screening.

Jackie asked a serious question (see the "?"....?????). Your questions aren't!

Yours are more along the lines of .....

"What's taking us so long to get there" from the backseat before we leave the driveway.