What percentage of clients fit her bill.

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Personally I wouldn't want to see a provider that had a long list of what she expects her clients to be. It is always uncomfortable to feel judged or as if you are somewhere you are not wanted.

Lots of "expectations" are relative, so I may think I meet her "expectations" but upon my arrival she finds me 20 pounds too heavy with too much hair on my face. Excuse me, but fuck that shit. No client needs that hassle. She is fucking you for money, for an hour or 2, not vowing to spend her life with you.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
They can be as discriminating as they want, and so can I. I give no fucks. Originally Posted by Thrashed
I can appreciate that, but everyone is not as confident and lots of clients are actually sensitive about one thing or another and for me, I want you to leave feeling refreshed and satisfied, not judged.

Personally, I always get a little chuckle when a working girl ostracizes an entire group of people. Could you imagine how society would ostracized us if they knew what we did?

Just pay, be clean, be kind, and treat me like a human and we're good!

Just pay, be clean, be kind, and treat me like a human and we're good! Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Nail on the head lady, I've been saying this for years.

While I agree that every provider has the prerogative to see or not see whom she chooses, I feel that any lady who has such strict requirements for those people, is perhaps in the wrong line of work and will also likely suffer in her business.

The truth is that we are likely not going to be 100% attracted to most of the gents we see. If that bothers you or it is not something you can learn to cope with, then you shouldn't be doing this work.

We are the ones being compensated after all, to provide a service and experience. It is very much a "buyers market" in that sense, in that gents get to look at our photos, read our reviews, etc before a session, but we do not get to see the same of them. That's just part of being a provider, plain and simple.

I have also found over time, that I have learned to enjoy people not solely based on physical appearance. Someone who I have a genuinely enjoyable rapport and chemistry with, is more important to me than being a Johnny Depp type. I love it when clients can make me laugh during a session or provide me with good/interesting conversation. It keeps things interesting. I also like the fact that I get to meet so many different people from all different backgrounds and walks of life. That in itself, tends to keep me interested and engaged.

Respect and good manners also go a very long way.

I would say if a gent is respectful of you and your time, compensates you fairly and treats you well, you really couldn't ask for more of a better time than that as a provider.
Nail on the head lady, I've been saying this for years.

While I agree that every provider has the prerogative to see or not see whom she chooses, I feel that any lady who has such strict requirements for those people, is perhaps in the wrong line of work and will also likely suffer in her business.

The truth is that we are likely not going to be 100% attracted to most of the gents we see. If that bothers you or it is not something you can learn to cope with, then you shouldn't be doing this work.

We are the ones being compensated after all, to provide a service and experience. It is very much a "buyers market" in that sense, in that gents get to look at our photos, read our reviews, etc before a session, but we do not get to see the same of them. That's just part of being a provider, plain and simple.

I have also found over time, that I have learned to enjoy people not solely based on physical appearance. Someone who I have a genuinely enjoyable rapport and chemistry with, is more important to me than being a Johnny Depp type. I love it when clients can make me laugh during a session or provide me with good/interesting conversation. It keeps things interesting. I also like the fact that I get to meet so many different people from all different backgrounds and walks of life. That in itself, tends to keep me interested and engaged.

Respect and good manners also go a very long way.

I would say if a gent is respectful of you and your time, compensates you fairly and treats you well, you really couldn't ask for more of a better time than that as a provider. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
well said. Victoria if this whole providing thing doesn't work out lol, you may have a future in politics.
Well said. Victoria if this whole providing thing doesn't work out lol, you may have a future in politics. Originally Posted by GrkFrk
Who says I don't already?
pyramider's Avatar
Taint photos will help you get your political platform approved by the masses.
I feel like I have seen a lot more ads lately with a request to send a physical description (not just race/ethnicity). Maybe it's just a coincidence?

I respect women's business decisions, but if I see a lot of 'limiters', regardless if we still pass muster, I still wouldn't be as likely to book. There is a higher probability of not clicking with them.
I don't care if they discriminate against fat dudes, but when they start to pick on the bald guys I am going to raise some hell......
I feel like I have seen a lot more ads lately with a request to send a physical description (not just race/ethnicity). Maybe it's just a coincidence?
Originally Posted by Liliana Vess
This could also just be for screening purposes. I usually ask for a short description from references, just to make sure it is the same gent turning up to see me (and there wasn't a scary situation of someone stealing someone's log in/hobby details and pretending to be them.)

I don't care if they discriminate against fat dudes, but when they start to pick on the bald guys I am going to raise some hell...... Originally Posted by worldbfree

Baldies are hot.
Taint photos will help you get your political platform approved by the masses. Originally Posted by pyramider
I'll keep that in mind during my next campaign.
I already forgot who posted the ad. Anybody remember?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hey, I aint marrying nobody, buying nobody, and I promise to leave when the hour is up.
If you do not like my scars, I can bring a t-shirt to cover them up. It is difficult to have a set of sex pack abs when you have been ripped open and not put back right. Sometimes it looks like the scene from "The Alien" you know the original with Signoury Weaver where the alien comes out of the stomach. hey, I am alive and I got money (I like money) and so do hookers.
Could I get a Gentleman's Latte to go please.

Baldies are hot. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
I agree!
I agree! Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
I know, right? I always had a crush on Mr. Clean, hahaha.
SweetDulce's Avatar
I don't care if they discriminate against fat dudes, but when they start to pick on the bald guys I am going to raise some hell...... Originally Posted by worldbfree
Give me a baldy anyday!.
Amount of hair is 1 thing I will never discriminate against,
Too little or too much, doesn't matter!