Watch America’s student-loan debt grow $2,726 every second

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
75% tax rate
no right to self defense with arms
you have to speak French
up to your armpits (unshaven) in Mooslimbs
female genital hygiene leaves something to be desired
haven't won a war in over two centuries (without a lot of help)

In other words SS, your kind of silly with these link plops you keep dropping. So many it is so easy to see that you don't understand what happened. You just feel like you have to post something. You need to spend some time thinking before you embarass yourself posting crap like this.

Colleges raised their tuition rates, housing rates, and what have you rates because government is the largest purchaser of education. This was the goal of government, to imprison people in debt. Why do you think you can't discharge your student loan debt through bankruptcy or any other way. If you don't pay they own you. I you do pay they own for 10 years. Colleges are no great help. I asked the grounds keeper at a local college what he did with the flowers that he changed every month. He told me that they throw them away and they buy new ones. Get that, every month the new expense of flowers that no one cares about. There goes my tution. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well, at least Sue spells correctly and can construct a sentence, unlike you. And people doubt that I was a professor! I'm not sure you passed English.

But you are right, student loan debt is a trap. I've said that before. However, Sue is right that other countries have a different solution that might be worth considering. I'd prefer the government get out of it all together, as part of a more comprehensive overhaul of the economy.
Well, at least Sue spells correctly and can construct a sentence, unlike you. And people doubt that I was a professor! I'm not sure you passed English.

But you are right, student loan debt is a trap. I've said that before. However, Sue is right that other countries have a different solution that might be worth considering. I'd prefer the government get out of it all together, as part of a more comprehensive overhaul of the economy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I may not be right about everything, but I still have the right to profess my opinion don't I? Just because some of the other posters don't agree with me, doesn't mean they have to resort to name calling and cyber bullying. We are all adults here and should at least treat each other with a little more respect. No reason to use words like "cunt". Sorry, but that one did hurt my feelings. Don't think I will be back for awhile.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, at least Sue spells correctly and can construct a sentence, unlike you. And people doubt that I was a professor! I'm not sure you passed English.

But you are right, student loan debt is a trap. I've said that before. However, Sue is right that other countries have a different solution that might be worth considering. I'd prefer the government get out of it all together, as part of a more comprehensive overhaul of the economy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Be happy with what it is. In the summer time I work all night and go to bed in the morning. Surprised you didn't gig Mooslimbs.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I may not be right about everything, but I still have the right to profess my opinion don't I? Just because some of the other posters don't agree with me, doesn't mean they have to resort to name calling and cyber bullying. We are all adults here and should at least treat each other with a little more respect. No reason to use words like "cunt". Sorry, but that one did hurt my feelings. Don't think I will be back for awhile. Originally Posted by SassySue
I don't see the word "cunt" in that quote. Once again, you cry foul but do not even try to construct an argument. If you want to leave then leave. Do believe it is because of the name calling, resign yourself to knowing that you can't compete.