When putting the shoe on the other foot what do you think would happen if a client tried this technique?
"I'm sorry Z expense went through on my checking account before I pulled out your donation so I'm short L amount. I'll make it up to you."
- Thread: K is a haggler
"I just received word P is in the emergency room. I'll need to reschedule. I'll make it up to you."
- Thread: "T is a time waster & I missed out on F appointments"
Originally Posted by Permission2Look
Alas, to whine from the other side, a good many fellows don't share such an opinion. I've heard, "I'll make it up to you," many, MANY times, and then have never heard from them again. It works both ways.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
P2L, I don't mean to sound rude, but your thread sounds nothing more than like a rant.
As Fancy said, this happens MANY times on the other side. How many times have I been ncns'd? In over 8 years of providing I have only had ONE gent come back to pay for the session he missed and he even still booked with me again in the future.
Or, how many times I have taken the time to thoroughly screen a gent only to have him never schedule with me? I don't get paid a salary and any amount of that type of admin work I do in order to run my business, is uncompensated.
Yes, it is annoying as hell when your time and/or money is wasted, whether that be from the client side, or the provider side.
That is why you guys are allowed to post
publicly any time you are ripped off or ncns'd by a provider, meanwhile we
only get to post such in the ladies room.
Imagine if I posted in co-ed every single time a client annoyed me or I had a little rant about all the time wasting bs I have to put up with as a provider. Y'all would get so sick of me, I would probably be banned just for that, lols.
But my point is this, if someone wastes your time, take the steps that are open to you on this forum and let everyone know about it. It doesn't take back having a bad experience, but it is at least some sort of consolation.
My other advice is, if you get to the sesh and something she said she would offer is not actually there/happening, then just leave. That way you at least don't waste your money.